Young farmers abuzz over Fedgroup Impact Farming

Published Jul 20, 2020


When many people look at investing in something, they are usually investing in companies or stocks. With Fedgroup’s Impact Investing, you invest in a product, like a blueberry bush, a solar panel or even a beehive. The mechanics are simple: Download the app, choose your investment, pay as little as R300 for it, a professional farmer will farm your asset and you will receive capital when your product’s harvest occurs.

Zongezile Jack is one such professional farmer on a bee farm. He says that bee farming takes a lot of capital to run, from bringing the bees in to the boxes that need to be built to house the colony. 

He is very happy about the investment opportunity the Fedgroup has given his venture, it now allows him to make enough to support both his family and himself.

Fedgroup’s Impact Farming focuses on environmental products that help create sustainability and economic growth in the job sector, by creating a job market with the investment made possible my investing in Impact Farming.

CEO of Fedgroup, Grant Field explains Impact Farming as transparent, simple and it makes a difference in people’s lives. At the present moment in time you can only invest in the Blueberry Bushes, Bee Hives and Solar Panels, but Grant is planning on adding more in the foreseeable future and encourages more farms to contact Fedgroup to see the viability of their ventures to add to the groups Impact Farming initiative.

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