Marikana miner: We won't forgive and forget

Published Aug 16, 2016


Zintle Mahlati

Rustenburg - A miner who was shot during the Marikana massacre says their fight for better wages is not over.

Mgaxolo Magidwana, a rock driller in 2012, was shot seven times when police shot at striking workers during the August 16 platinum strike.

Magidwana told Independent Media on Tuesday that the need for a decent wage was still on the miners' minds and that he was disappointed that the government had not apologised.

“We haven't received that R12 500 and this time we would rather have the government kill us or take us to jail.

“We have always known what happened, they have taken the situation and turned it around on us, that we did something wrong,” said Magidwana.

Now the focus of workers in Marikana has become broader and includes that of workers in other sectors such as in construction.

“Until we get what asked for, we won't forgive and forget. As long as we live in these shacks where the toilets stink inside our homes, we won't be satisfied. We would rather die,” said Magidwana, as he pointed to the shacks close to the koppie.

Hundreds of workers, families and friends have gathered at the Wonderkop koppie for labour union Amcu's commemoration event to pay tribute to their colleagues and loved ones.

The koppie has become a symbol in the North West mining town as it was where about 3 000 mineworkers stayed during the platinum mine strike four years ago.

Many of those in attendance are dressed in Amcu T-shirts and in traditional attire.

Some political leaders were also present including DA leader Mmusi Maimane, Eff leader Julius Malema and Zwelinzima Vavi.


#Marikana workers singing the about police brutality @IOL @AmyMusgraveous

— Zintle Mahlati (@ZintleMahlati) August 16, 2016



Mgaxolo Magidwana was a rock driller before August 2012. He was shot seven times. #Marikana @IOL @AmyMusgraveous

— Zintle Mahlati (@ZintleMahlati) August 16, 2016



Labour Bureau

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