Delft boy, 5, survives a hail of bullets

Bullet casings. File picture: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency

Bullet casings. File picture: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency

Published Jan 23, 2024


Cape Town - A five-year-old boy is lucky to be alive after he was shot in the chest by unknown suspects.

He was playing at his neighbour’s home when the suspects started shooting in Delft on Saturday.

According to his mom, the bullet didn’t hit any vital organs.

“My mom was taking care of him and his older brother. She was getting ready to go to the mall, she told them to go to the gate while she locked the house and they ran out the gate when they saw their friends,” she explained.

“A white car came driving slowly, they passed the house and the neighbours and that is when the guys came around the corner, they were on foot.

“Some people shouted that the boys must run into the yard and a shooting started. My older son ran into the yard while the younger boy hid behind a bin which saved him from the bullets which were being fired at him. It could have been worse but the bin took most of the bullets.”

She said when the suspects stopped shooting the victim went to his grandmother.

“After the shooting died down, he ran over to my mom and that is when she saw that he was bleeding.

“She took him to the hospital. That was around 10am and I was informed about 30 minutes later. He is doing much better now, luckily no organs were touched by the bullet.”

Police spokesperson Wesley Twigg said no one has been arrested for the shooting and police are investigating the motive for the attack.

“Delft police registered an attempted murder case for investigation following a shooting incident in which a 5-year-old boy was wounded in Delft on Saturday.

“Delft police were called to the crime scene and upon arrival the child was taken to a medical facility for treatment.

“The victim sustained a gunshot wound to his chest. The suspects fled the scene and are yet to be arrested.”

Anyone with any information about this shooting can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.