Imam Parkar, a ‘selfless man of the community’ mourned

The janazah of Imam Goolam Hoosain Parkar at the Habibia Soofie Masjid. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

The janazah of Imam Goolam Hoosain Parkar at the Habibia Soofie Masjid. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published May 15, 2024


Cape Town - Described as a man of the community who ensured that the doors of the Habibia Soofie Masjid were open for all and at any hour, hundreds of people gathered at the masjid yesterday to pay their final respects and bid farewell to the Imam and khatib, Goolam Hoosain Parkar following his passing.

The Habibia Soofie Masjid Trust Board announced the passing of Parkar, 71, son of the late Imam Abdul Latief Parkar (Imam Baboo), on Monday.

The janazah prayers were performed at the Habibia Soofie Masjid in Rylands Estate after Dhuhr prayers, yesterday.

The burial of the mayyit (deceased) then followed at the Habibia Soofie Cemetery in Pooke Road.

Co-Imam and lecturer at the masjid, Moulana Lukmaan Kagee said: “Imam Goolam Hoosain was active for a very long time, for close to 60 years. And he was involved in the community in terms of name giving, janazahs, and community service.”

Kagee said the Imam had suffered ill-health in recent times.

“The community is feeling the loss. It’s a tremendous loss to everyone. Imam served for a very long time in the community, he was always there for everyone,” Kagee said.

Rylands resident, Mohamed Yusuf Allie, said he grew up in front of the late Imam, who was his madrassah teacher, and knew him for more than 50 years.

“People used to queue up here with all sorts of problems, all sorts of issues and he was always free and available to help and serve the community. He was more a community man than anything else. He is going to be dearly missed.”

Tributes have poured in from far and wide, noting the enormous impact Parkar had made during his over 60 years of selfless service to the community and afar.

A husband and father of two, Parkar, who resided at the Habibia Complex, was particularly remembered for his generosity towards those in need who queued at the masjid doors, seeking assistance.

Madina Institute operations co-ordinator, Tasleema Allie expressed their condolences to the Imam’s family, the masjid community.

“In his tenure at Habibia Soofie Masjid, Imam Goolam has embodied the essence of compassion, wisdom, and unwavering faith. His dedication to serving the community – Muslim and non Muslim – knew no bounds. Whether it was leading prayers, imparting spiritual guidance, or extending a helping hand to those in need, Imam Goolam’s presence was synonymous with solace and support,” Allie said.

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