Land compensation too little says former resident of Red Hill

The barren landscape at Ocean View 50 years ago before coloured communities in Simons Town and Noordhoek were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in the area. Picture: Supplied

The barren landscape at Ocean View 50 years ago before coloured communities in Simons Town and Noordhoek were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in the area. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 9, 2018


Cape Town - Hunched in his seat, Roy Levendal, 81, sighed as he explained the heartache he endured when his family was forcefully removed from Simon’s Town in 1936.

Levendal, who lived with his family - nine siblings and animals on Red Hill - said he was the only surviving sibling and the possibility of restitution had given his nieces and nephews hope for the future.

“The land doesn’t belong to me, it’s for the grandchildren. This was in my father’s will.

“When we left, we were angry and heartsore, but I don’t want to go back, it’s got no more feeling for me.

“When I lived there, it was good. We had animals, cows, fowls, horses, everything. It was a huge piece of land. When we left, it all had to go.

Roy Levendal, 81, says he's being offered R110 000 in compensation for land he says is worth at least R5 million. Picture: Athina May/Cape Argus

“Now they want to offer us R110 000 for the eight to nine (hectares) of land. It’s too little, it’s worth millions.”

Levendal submitted his land claim shortly after applications opened and said representatives from the Land Claims Commission contacted him this year with an evaluation of the land, stating it was only 6.8951 hectares and was valued at R11 625 in 1970, when it was taken.

A compensation offer of R110 947 was made to the family.

“I don’t want to take the money. The offer was made this year. It’s worth a minimum of R5million.

“The land is not for me, it’s for the grandchildren.”

The Land Claims Commissioner was unable to comment on the Levendal case before the newspaper went to print.


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Cape Argus

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