China-SA co-operation crucial in building a global community

President Cyril Ramaphosa and China’s President Xi Jinping at the 2023 BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. China-South Africa co-operation will contribute to regional and world peace and development under the framework of building a closer China-Africa community, says the writer.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and China’s President Xi Jinping at the 2023 BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. China-South Africa co-operation will contribute to regional and world peace and development under the framework of building a closer China-Africa community, says the writer.

Published Sep 5, 2024


You Wenze

In this era filled with challenges and opportunities, the wave of globalisation brings infinite possibilities to the world, along with numerous challenges and uncertainties.

As the Consul General of China in Cape Town, South Africa, I have had the privilege of witnessing and participating in the role China plays on the global stage and how we are committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind, promoting the establishment of a more just, equal, and inclusive world.

The Profound Significance of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind is not only the core of China's foreign policy but also China's significant contribution to the reform of the global governance system and the development direction of international relations. This concept calls for global co-operation to jointly address challenges and promote world peace and development.

Under this framework, China actively participates in international affairs, engaging in global governance and development discussions through multilateral mechanisms and bilateral relationships, demonstrating the responsibility of a major country.

Advocating for an Equitable and Orderly World Multipolarity

In the current complex international situation, advocating for an equitable and orderly world multipolarity is particularly important. This stance aims to promote a balanced development of international forces, opposing any form of hegemonism and power politics, and pushing for the establishment of a more just and reasonable international order. By actively participating in and supporting multilateral mechanisms and international co-operation, China contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to the process of world multipolarity, promoting the improvement of the global governance system and the democratisation of international relations.

Promoting Inclusive Economic Globalization

Faced with the challenges brought by economic globalisation, China proposes the concept of inclusive economic globalisation, emphasising open co-operation and mutual benefit. In this process, China not only deepens economic and trade co-operation with countries around the world but also promotes infrastructure construction, trade facilitation, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds through platforms such as the Belt and Road Initiative. These measures not only bring development opportunities to China but also inject new momentum into global economic growth, showcasing China's contribution to global economic governance.

The Bright Prospects of China-South Africa Cooperation

Against the backdrop of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China-South Africa co-operation continues to deepen, with increasingly close exchanges and co-operation in political, economic, cultural, and other fields. China and South Africa are committed to promoting the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Africa, strengthening co-ordination and co-operation in international and regional affairs, and jointly safeguarding the interests and rights of developing countries. In the future, China-South Africa co-operation will contribute more to regional and world peace and development under the framework of building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.

As the Consul General of China in Cape Town, I deeply feel the heavy responsibility on my shoulders. In our future work, we will continue to uphold the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, deepen friendly co-operation between China and South Africa, jointly address global challenges, and promote the construction of a better world. Let us join hands and work together to create a beautiful future for humanity.

Expanding upon this foundation, it's essential to recognise the dynamic interplay between local actions and global visions. China's approach to international relations, particularly through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, demonstrates a commitment to fostering sustainable development and connectivity across continents. This not only enhances economic growth but also facilitates cultural exchange and mutual understanding, laying the groundwork for a more interconnected and harmonious global community.

Moreover, the emphasis on peace and stability, as highlighted in China's diplomatic endeavours, resonates deeply with the global aspiration for a world free from conflict and strife. By advocating for dialogue over confrontation and co-operation over competition, China sets a precedent for resolving international disputes amicably and constructively.

In the context of China-South Africa relations, this translates into a partnership that transcends mere economic co-operation, encompassing cultural, educational, and technological exchanges that enrich both societies. The shared commitment to development, peace, and prosperity paves the way for a model of international relations that prioritises collective well-being over narrow self-interest.

As we look to the future, the challenges facing the world are daunting, from climate change and environmental degradation to inequality and health crises. Yet, the principles of mutual respect, shared benefits, and common development offer a blueprint for addressing these challenges together. By embracing these principles, China and South Africa, along with other nations, can lead by example, demonstrating that a better world is possible through solidarity and co-operation.

In conclusion, the journey towards building a community with a shared future for mankind is a collective endeavour that requires the participation and contribution of all countries. As the Consul General of China in Cape Town, I am optimistic about the prospects of this journey, confident in the strength of China-South Africa co-operation, and committed to working tirelessly towards a future that reflects our shared aspirations for peace, development, and prosperity for all. Let us move forward with determination and hope, embracing the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, for the sake of our shared future and the well-being of generations to come.

* You is China’s Consul-General in Cape Town.

Cape Times

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