Durban North residents object to Beachwood residential development

Durban North Resident protests against Beachwood Golf Course transforming into a residential area. PICTURE SUPPLIED

Durban North Resident protests against Beachwood Golf Course transforming into a residential area. PICTURE SUPPLIED

Published Dec 19, 2022


Durban — Durban North residents have objected to the Beachwood Golf Course being turned into a residential area.

Last week, about 1 000 residents submitted their objections to the eThekwini Land Use Management, as they voiced their concerns and disapproval towards this project.

Durban North Residents Association chairperson Vanessa Knight said that they were only given four weeks to accumulate these objections and that she was shocked when those objections reached close to 1 000.

Knight said: ”We as Durban North can’t accommodate this development. If we accept one developer, then the by-laws will change. This recreational land was set aside for the benefit of residents of Durban North who have enjoyed this position for 75 years. Since the recreational needs of the residents have not changed in 75 years (except maybe increased with the densification of Durban North) the land should remain for recreational use.”

Beachwood Golf Course and its contribution to the ecosystem. PICTURE: ANTHONY GROTE

She added that the mangroves helped filter the water and reduced flooding. Along with the objections, 2 749 signatures were signed by residents in a petition objecting to the development.

“The developers/owners recently bought the property – which is and has been restricted in the title for recreation for 75 years – for R100 million. They got what they paid for so they should get on with delivering recreation. Instead, they have made it patently clear from the date of purchase that they wish to redevelop, which is a wish and not a right. The praedial servitude, however, is a right restricting the property to recreational use which cannot be trumped by a wish,” said Knight.

She said developers planned to work with Durban Solid Waste with regards to dealing with waste, and mentioned how it could be an issue because they have recently faced sewage issues.

Beachwood Golf Course. PICTURE: ANTHONY GROTE

Durban North resident Chantal Scott, 67, said she was against the development for many reasons. The area was supposed to be used recreationally for residents.

“The Beachwood section is a lung and the mangrove is the heart and the water coming down from Durban North feeds into that. It is almost like a big attenuation tank, but if there’s a development, it will lead to a back-up,” said Scott.

She said that the development was in a bad area and was worried about its maintenance as the area did not have the water infrastructure should things go wrong. She also mentioned sewage as an issue and referred to the beaches.

3D View of the proposed development from the North (Virginia Airport). PICTURE SUPPLIED

Other problems included that the developers planned to build a private beach to attract tourists and Scott believed that was not in the best interest of the residents.

The development would also affect the people that live on Fairway as the road would be widened and have more traffic.

She said: “As a neighbourhood, we enjoy our open spaces and greenery and this development will be a concrete jungle. I do not think that climate change has been taken into consideration and there’s a huge flood risk.”

The development was expected to have 464 units and approximately 280 000 litres of sewage a day and Scott was worried about the infrastructure.

“We already have a sewage issue in Durban and our pipes already need to be replaced in most areas. I think this development is going to exacerbate the problem for the municipality,” said Scott.

eThekwini Municipality spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela said: “The city is not expressing any view on any aspect of this project until the public consultation process is concluded.”

3D View of the proposed development from the North West. PICTURE SUPPLIED

3D View of the proposed development from the South West. PICTURE SUPPLIED

3D View of the proposed development from the South. PICTURE SUPPLIED

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