Fury after dog washes ashore on KZN South Coast beach with legs bound tightly with wire

Published Jan 18, 2023



Durban — People expressed their fury after the SPCA Lower South Coast (SPCA LSC) shared a story about a bound female dog that had washed up on a beach on the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal.

On their Facebook page, the SPCA LSC said that on Saturday afternoon, the inspectorate received a call from a concerned member of the public about what appeared to be a dog that had washed up on a beach near Mtwalume.

The SPCA LSC said that what trainee field officer Dumisane found on arrival was utterly shocking and something they will not forget easily.

It can only be assumed that the dog was tied up alive and thrown into the river and cruelly succumbed to drowning. Picture: Supplied

“A female dog was found washed up deceased and bound tightly with wire on both her front and hind legs,” the SPCA LSC said.

“It can only be assumed that the dog was tied up alive and thrown into the river and cruelly succumbed to drowning.”

The SPCA LSC said that it would be impossible to get facts on the case due to the kilometres the body may have travelled, and they can only hope that there may be a witness who could possibly come forward to shed some light on the tragedy that took place.

“All information received will be treated in confidence and anonymously,” the SPCA LSC said.

It can only be assumed that the dog was tied up alive and thrown into the river and cruelly succumbed to drowning. Picture: Supplied

It said that this act of cruelty is prosecutable under the Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962.

“Owners should surrender unwanted animals to the SPCA before taking drastic matters into their own hands,” the SPCA LSC said.

“We will never turn any animal away.

“No animal deserves to be treated in this manner and lose its life so inhumanely.”

It added that the dedicated staff of the Lower South Coast SPCA are on call 24/7 to assist with any animal-related matters.

SPCA emergency line: 083 222 6355

SPCA landline: 039 312 0962 or 083 222 6354

It can only be assumed that the dog was tied up alive and thrown into the river and cruelly succumbed to drowning. Picture: Supplied

Reacting to the incident, Leigh-Anne Cowden said: “What human could do this to a living being? Hope they get found and prosecuted.”

Charlene Williams said: “May karma get those who were involved in such a heartless, cruel act.”

Lyn Holmes said this is cruelty of the highest level, what this dog must have gone through in not being able to swim and get to shore.

“I just hope someone saw this and can point out the person responsible.”

Ana Barbosa said: “People that do this to animals are one step away from doing this to humans.”

Lydia Lawlor said: “What a terrible, evil thing to do to a dog or any animal. Whoever did this must be punished to the highest degree; must feel the pain that this poor, innocent dog did. I’m sooo angry.”

Elaine Gillwald said: “This is absolutely horrific and cruel. How can anyone do this is absolutely beyond me.”

Daily News