UKZN management blamed for the drowning of a first-year student at a new residence

THE STUDENT“S body after it was retrieved by police from the pool. | Supplied.

THE STUDENT“S body after it was retrieved by police from the pool. | Supplied.

Published Mar 8, 2022


DURBAN - Students have lashed out at the University of KwaZulu-Natal management for the drowning tragedy of a first-year student at Edgewood Campus.

Siphesihle Masuku, 18 of KwaDabeka, Pinetown, was swimming with two other students at a new university residence in Mariannhill on Sunday afternoon when he drowned.

He had just registered for a teaching degree after finishing his matric in Pongola, northern KZN.

UNIVERSITY of KwaZulu-Natal student who drowned at the varsity pool. | Supplied

A student leader who spoke on conditions of anonymity for fear of victimisation told the Daily News on Monday that they had warned the management not to place students in the new private residences especially first-year’s until residence assistants and lifeguards were hired to man swimming pools.

He said had the management listened to them the incident would have been avoided, adding that the management must be held directly responsible for this tragic loss of a young life.

“As you are aware we have been protesting here. Part of the reasons we protested was that we were against removing first-year students from the campus residences to these new private residences and we are vindicated now,” said the student leader.

Management was allegedly warned not to place students in the new private residences especially first-year’s until residence assistants and lifeguards were hired to man swimming pools. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

The UKZN management said the incident was regrettable.

Corporate relations executive director Norma Zondo said the University Risk Management Services and SAPS were at the scene and were investigating.

When the Daily News visited the Edgewood Campus students and Siphesihle’s family were still finding it difficult to talk about the incident.

His mother, Thulebona Nyawo, said she had left the residence less than an hour before she was asked to return quickly. She said she had gone to give her son essential items after he had moved there last week. Little did she know it was the last time she would speak to him.

The mother said that according to the briefing she received from eyewitnesses, her son got into the swimming pool then disappeared under the water.

She said students first thought he was cooling off but when they realised he had been underwater for longer than a person would normally be, they started to panic and called for help.

His mother, Thulebona Nyawo, said she had left the residence less than an hour before she was asked to return quickly. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

The mother added that her son had never swam in a pool except in the small rivers when growing up in Pongola.

“I am unable to explain more details surrounding the incident because I’m still upset. I was just less than an hour with him but nothing crossed my mind that it was the last moment together. He accompanied me to the gate and said he would see me another day. He was rushing to cool off in the pool because it was hot,” said the mother.

Zondo said: “The university has arranged for counselling services to be provided to the two students who witnessed the incident. The university will also provide support to the family. The management is deeply saddened by this tragic loss of life. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.”

Zondo however said UKZN could not be held accountable for the drowning incident because it does not own the residence. She said student residence accommodation is full to capacity therefore no new students can be allocated a place at the residences due to this limitation.

Daily News

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