Why are we surprised black communities breed angry boys?

Vukile Theo Phanyaphanya is a retired teacher and an active author. Picture: Supplied

Vukile Theo Phanyaphanya is a retired teacher and an active author. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 21, 2024



The first two administrations of democracy in a South Africa free from the National Party rule laid the foundation of neo-liberal and neo-colonial power, thereby germinating a seed of destruction that was planted in the loamy ground of the ANC some years ago.

As history has proved, no white supremacist authority relinquishes power without a fight, so a foundation of a fight is laid years before in anticipation of inevitable loss of power. There are two types of war that the advocates of white supremacy prepare for in the eventuality of them losing power over black people. One is a military warfare and the other social destruction that wears a face of democracy and human rights.

Characteristic of the first two administrations between 1994 and 2008 were the two dangerous campaigns in black communities that were led by government-sponsored social groups calling themselves NGOs. But first, let me clear the air on this non-governmental lie. There is nothing non-governmental about NGOs; they are tools used by governments the world over to drive sinister agendas that wear a non-governmental mask and are directly or indirectly funded by the state.

In 2011, I wrote an article that was published in the so-called Gupta newspaper, “The New Age”, warning about the dangers of the two campaigns in black communities. One was the so-called gun-free society campaign and the other, the pretentious girl-child campaign, both of which were driven by NGOs and sponsored by two presidents, Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki respectively. For purposes of this article, I shall leave the gun-free society campaign and dwell on the girl-child campaign.

In 2007, NGO Sangogo vehemently drove the girl-child campaign, under the pretence of correcting societal imbalances and feeding people with the unfounded and incorrect narrative that the boy child has, for many years, been unfairly elevated over the girl child.

With good intentions, the girl-child campaign would have built our female folk into the national pride of powerful women that grow up protective of the family structure in society. However, the intention was to push a different and sinister agenda in order to destroy the traditional family structure in black communities, not only in South Africa but globally too.

Campaigns such as Take a Girl Child to Work Day, the Youth Parliament, 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, those around gender-based violence, the creation of the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens and the enactment of a bill for women and children are all an indictment that is specifically designed to undermine the intelligence of black people.

First, let me say upfront that all the so-called human rights campaigns have nothing to do with human rights and have everything to do with taking away the rights. It is an open secret that the campaigns are vehemently driven only in black communities. All the campaigns, therefore, take on a racial character.

The agents of the conspiracy theory narrative will readily categorise this article in their sponsored advocacy of a conspiracy theory and will ask why would such good campaigns are classified as bad. My answer to the devil’s advocates is this: open your eyes and appreciate the fact that every agenda that seeks to destroy Africa is designed and packaged as the fight for human rights, the fight for world health standards mostly sponsored by the globalists through their multinational organisations.

If your question then becomes, “To what end”, my answer is simple: the agenda is to destabilise and destroy Africa in order to make the looting of its minerals as easy as taking candy from a baby. Therefore, what the campaigns are doing is creating a rift and hatred between the male and female folk in black communities. The agenda is driven through all sorts of societal groupings disguised as human rights organisations, such as the feminist movements and other woman formations like the women’s leagues and many more like them.

The girl-child campaign has been breeding a dangerous societal trap of an angry boy child who feels not only less important than the girl child but also a villain and traitor who deserves nothing in society except jail, drugs, crime and difficult means of self-survival that put their lives at a planned risk of self-destruction.

There is no pandemic that has suddenly attacked the black boy child. What is manifesting instead is a calculated consequence of the seed that was planted by the so-called human or woman rights campaigns. The campaigns are skewed and tilted in favour of one gender at the expense of the other.

It has become a societal understanding and an acceptable discrimination that when you talk “gender-based violence”, you mean violence against women and not the other way round or both.

Why are we surprised that black communities have groomed a boy child who is an outcast, angry and good for nothing, except for fending for themselves since society has intentionally and deliberately driven campaigns that are specifically aimed at de-humanising the boy child? Like I said at the outset, let no one make the mistake of thinking that governments and states are equally surprised by the boy child’s sudden outburst of anger. It is part of their agenda. it is the agenda of the New World Order.

The bigger picture is to throw black men into jail or destroy them, thereby destroying the black family structure. The aim is to leave Africa with no formidable or strong societies that have good social and communal values. This is the same reason why the world is moving so swiftly to legalise same-sex marriages and vilify countries that oppose it as countries that have no regard for human rights. Sheer nonsense!

The same NGOs are being used by the globalists, through their various governments, to pick up the outburst of anger in the boy child as reason for perpetuating the destruction of the boy child by sending him to jail and continue the narrative that men are monsters who have a natural hatred for women.

Psychology will inform us that what we are seeing in society today is not a pandemic of boys attacking the weaker sex of their family members, their sister, mothers and grandmothers, it is rather a natural reflex and sub-conscious defence mechanism of the youth who feels his back pushed against the wall under a structured attack and who has no recourse.

Among all the so-called advocates of human rights, the NGOs included, no one raises alarm at the stats pointing out the rate of male dropout in schools and universities. Male students who lead student formations and raise real human rights issues, such as free and compulsory education, are being targeted as disruptors of education and expelled or sent to jail.

The numerical superiority of female students in universities is also not an accident, the many reasons pointed out in this article are responsible for that but we also cannot overlook the sexist approach in the distribution of the benefits of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. We cannot turn a blind eye to the notorious but unattended abuse of girls by the same government ministers and presidents who are self-proclaimed advocates of the rights of women and children in the so-called one-course-one-blanket corruption which is pretentiously attributed only to male lecturers.

Again, the young women become easy targets when you remove vocal male student leaders and we are surprised when the president turns a deaf ear on the calls for a presidential pardon of male student arrested for rioting. As a result of the agenda, black communities are sitting with youthful men who are uneducated, unemployed, unemployable and frustrated.

The boys grow up in a society that does not teach them to appreciate the differences between them and girl children, a society that perpetuates competition instead of complementing the differences between a girl and a boy. Black societies have been turned by the system into a camp where men are seen as sex monsters who see nothing in females but two legs and women who look at men and see nothing but rapists.

The widespread false accusations of rape that have seen men thrown into jail for a rape crime they did not commit are trivialised as either a conspiracy theory or just a drop in the ocean. Many cases where a woman later confesses that the rape accusations were false, are also being ignored and the men who spend years in jail for such are not even compensated by the authorities.

Indeed, black men, you are on your own.

Vukile Theo Phanyaphanya is a retired teacher and an active author.

Daily News

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