True cost of South Africa’s mismanagement

Discover the harsh realities of South Africa’s governance under the ANC and how mismanagement is impacting the lives of ordinary citizens. | Oupa Mokoena/ Independent Newspapers

Discover the harsh realities of South Africa’s governance under the ANC and how mismanagement is impacting the lives of ordinary citizens. | Oupa Mokoena/ Independent Newspapers

Published 5h ago


It is with disgust that I hear our President Cyril Ramaphosa taking credit for the leading that the ANC is doing in the Government of National Unity (GNU), as if they are the drivers of change.

This is deceit of the highest order. We as South Africans have witnessed and are feeling daily the effects of the plundering of our resources which keep the ANC's inept cronies living in luxury and a nation that must keep on pumping money into their thieving ways.

Examples. Our taxes are taken to pay the debt incurred by Eskom year after year.

You see, the interest on all the billions of debt has to be covered and never will be, so we pay. There could have been hundreds of thousand of houses being built annually on these payments alone.

A far too-bloated Cabinet is eating up finances that could otherwise provide for the education that our children so badly need. The pulling out of energy companies who pump billions into exploration and who have indeed proved that we have oil and gas in abundance, because of the kick-backs that must be paid. This without having to lay out a cent.

The successful benefit to the country would have been 120 000 full time jobs created without mentioning the number of jobs that would be needed for the building of all the infrastructure needed and the billions of Rands which we could well do with.

Similarly, with Starlink and their being able to provide cheap and reliable Wi-Fi connectivity which would benefit the poor no matter where they were situated in our country, with access to job opportunities.

Elon Musk would have nothing to do with having to provide the government with kick backs. Then there are all the dysfunctional municipalities where cadres siphon off more for salaries than what should go to Eskom or their suppliers.

Once again they must be bailed out and who pays? In every instance it is the very poor, who struggle to feed themselves, who suffer. And people still vote for them?

J OSMOND | Kleinmomond

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

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