Hedda Gabler, played by Rolanda Marais, bewilders and scorches everyone who crosses her path. Picture: Instagram.
During 2024, South Africa's creativity was showcased at six of the country's biggest arts festivals.
The kykNET Fiëstas, which honours the exceptional work presented at arts festivals like KKNK, Suidoosterfees, Innibos, Vrystaat Kunstefees, Klein-Karoo Klassique, Momentum Beleggings Aardklop and Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees, has released the list of nominations for the annual awards.
This year’s nominees include industry veterans and newcomers.
Among the 14 categories, which include Best Actor and Best Actress, Best Director, Best Musical Production and Best Festival Production among others, are a host of familiar names.
The winners will be announced on February 27 at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town.
The awards will be attended by nominees and other role players and will not be televised, but inserts for various programmes will be recorded.
“Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen leads the nominees list with seven nods. Gabler has been nominated in the categories Best Actress, Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Adaptation, Best Direction, Best Achievement in Design, Best Festival Production and Best Ensemble.
TV and theatre veteran Frank Opperman bagged a Best Actor nomination for his role in “Stinkhout”, which showcased at the Momentum Beleggings Aardklop.
“Arendsvlei” actor Joshwin Dyson, received two nods, one of which is for Best Upcoming Artist. Other talents in this category include Damian David Jacobs, Katelynne Matthews and Miché van Wyk.
Philip Rademeyer and Christiaan Olwagen, Nico Scheepers and Philip Rademeyer also received two nods each.
Vying for the Best Festival Production award for 2024 are “Hedda Gabler”, “Speelgoed van glas”, “Stinkhout” and “Die Swartmerrie”.
Carmen Botma, convenor of the kykNET Fiëstas panel shared that last year was a remarkable year of storytelling and stirring emotions.
Botma said: “Whether an attendee found themselves in the audience of an open-air concert, standing before an artwork, experiencing hidden emotions during a theatrical production, participating in a panel discussion, or closing their eyes during a musical performance – thanks to artists, festival-goers had access to another world, could escape reality, or identify with the creative art before them. For that, we on the panel are deeply grateful.”
Here is the full list of nominees.
Best Actor
Chris van Niekerk – “Die stoele” (KKNK)
Joshwin Dyson – “Laaitie mettie biscuits” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
Frank Opperman – “Stinkhout” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
Theo Witbooi – “Die Swartmerrie” (KKNK)
Best Actress
Anna-Mart van der Merwe – “Speelgoed van glas” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Cintaine Schutte – “Onder ’n bloedrooi hemel” (Suidoosterfees)
Crystal Donna Roberts – “Poppie in the Dunes” (Suidoosterfees)
Rolanda Marais – “Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Albert Pretorius – “Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Deon Lotz – “Onder ’n bloedrooi hemel” (Suidoosterfees)
Gerben Kamper – “Ons wag vir Godot” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
Oscar Petersen – “Poppie in the Dunes” (Suidoosterfees)
Best New Text
Christo Davids – “Laaitie mettie biscuits” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
Neil Coppen and Tiffany Saterdaght – “Die Swartmerrie” (KKNK)
Philip Rademeyer – “Stinkhout” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
Johann Slabbert – “Vier Panado’s en ’n Chardonnay” (KKNK)
Best Adaptation of Translation of a Text
Christiaan Olwagen – “Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Naòmi Morgan – “Ons wag vir Godot” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
Nerina Ferreira (posthumous) – “Die stoele” (KKNK)
Nico Scheepers – “’n Begin” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Best Direction
Christiaan Olwagen – “Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Dion van Niekerk – “Ons wag vir Godot” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
Nico Scheepers – “Speelgoed van glas” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Marthinus Basson – “Kruispad of die legende van die goue vis” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Best Achievement in Design
Iman Isaacs – “Poppie in the Dunes” (Suidoosterfees)
Marí Borstlap – “Onder ’n bloedrooi hemel” (Suidoosterfees)
Philip Rademeyer – “Stinkhout” (Momemtum Beleggings Aardklop)
Rocco Pool – “Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Best Festival Production
“Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Speelgoed van glas” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Stinkhout” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
“Die Swartmerrie” (KKNK)
Best Ensemble
“Hedda Gabler” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Kruispad of die legende van die goue vis” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Ons wag vir Godot” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
“Speelgoed van glas” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Best Contemporary Music Production
“Jazz at the Konserve: Ramon Alexander Trio” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Frieda van den Heever: Spoorsny” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Legendes-konsert” (Innibos)
“Musikale Meander” (Innibos)
Best Music-Driven Theatre
“André Schwartz: My keuse” (Suidoosterfees)
“Ontban” (Suidoosterfees)
“-loos” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop en Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Vier Panando’s en ’n Chardonnay” (KKNK)
Best Achievement in Classical music
“Charl du Plessis Trio: Rhapsody in Blue” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
“Charl du Plessis Trio: Vivaldi Vier Seisoene” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
“Die groot finale” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
“Operagala” (Suidoosterfees)
Best Achievement in Visual Arts
Colbert Mashile – “The Dreams of Yonder, Untethered” (KKNK)
Jessica Webster – “’n Perd sonder naam” (Momentum Beleggings Aardklop)
Marlene Steyn – “Between my i’s: tussen my oë” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Miné Kleynhans - “LANDscape(s)” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
Best Upcoming Artist
Damian David Jacobs – “Set in Motion” (Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees)
Joshwin Dyson – “Laaitie mettie biscuits” (Momentum Beleggins Aardklop)
Katelynne Matthews – “Khanya and Her Golden Dream” (Vrystaat Kunstefees)
Miché van Wyk - “Suurdeeg” (Suidoosterfees)