Happy Boss’ Day: Fun messages and quotes to tell your boss

Today marks the day we appreciate our boss’s. Celebrate Boss Day with special and fun messages you should tell your boss. Picture: Pinterest

Today marks the day we appreciate our boss’s. Celebrate Boss Day with special and fun messages you should tell your boss. Picture: Pinterest

Published Oct 16, 2024


Today is Boss’s Day, but what is Boss’s Day? Boss’s Day is a day to appreciate and celebrate your boss.

It also serves as a reminder to recognise the vital role that bosses play in shaping work places.

Boss Day dates back to 1958, it was created by Patricia Bays Haroski who worked at State Farm Insurance Company Illinois, in the US.

Haroski created this day to honour and celebrate her father who was her employer.

The Illinois Governor, Otto Kerner officially proclaimed this day as he supported Haroski’s registration to make the day official, four years later in 1962.

It was mostly celebrated in America, Canada and Australia. Today countries such South Africa, India, United Kingdom and Egypt have since joined in on the celebrations.

Boss Day has since been celebrated every year now on October 16 by all employers to appreciate their bosses.

This day is an opportunity to express gratitude for the leadership and guidance that employers have for their employees. The mentorship, support and opportunities that bosses give.

Boss Day might just be seen as a day to just celebrate but in most workplaces, it boosts motivation, promotes a culture of appreciation, and it is also an opportunity to recognise leadership excellence.

A simple “Happy Boss Day” will do but is that is just equivalent to “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Birthday” which is simply boring and plain. Let’s spice it up a little bit!

Here are fun messages to tell your boss for Boss Day:

1. Is this a good time to ask for a raise? No? Well, okay I will settle for a cake. Happy Boss Day!

2. I would buy you a Rolex if I could, but enjoy this card!

3. You are an awesome boss, you are bossome!

4. If one day, I am half the boss that you are, then I’ll be in good shape.

5. If you think this card is sweet, then you should hear all the nice things we say about you behind your back!

6.To the person who is the reason we all know the best coffee shops around the office!

7. Today we celebrate the person who arrives last but leaves first- Cheers!

8. Cheers to person who thinks a deadline is just a suggestion!