How to get back to work after baby

You could also look at it like this: women still did about 1.7 times as much housework as men in 2012. Photograph: John Hogg

You could also look at it like this: women still did about 1.7 times as much housework as men in 2012. Photograph: John Hogg

Published Oct 3, 2013


London - Between sleepless nights, nappy changing and post-natal blues, getting back to work is often the last thing on the minds of new mothers.

Fully immersing oneself in the world of new parenthood can be all-consuming.

So it’s perhaps understandable that when mothers do return to the office, it takes them at least four months to get back up to speed.

According to a new study, six in 10 mothers find readjusting to the workplace challenging, with an average of 3.8 months required to get back into the swing of things.

The study also revealed that many mothers share similar concerns about returning to work – chief among them the fear that they might bore childless colleagues with baby talk.

Other mothers panicked about accidentally arriving at work with fingerprints and food stains on their clothes, while 17 percent said they were worried about missing their child.

On a more positive note, just 10 percent thought they might run into trouble with their boss by making regular calls to their childminder.

Of the new mothers who do choose to return to work, 40 percent said they did so because of financial pressure.

“Returning to work can be a daunting shift and can lead to feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence,” said psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos.

“As well as worrying about getting back into the job, you also have to juggle childcare needs.

“Get into a routine so that the mornings run smoothly

“Lay clothes out the night before, fill the kettle up and put things next to the front door that you need to remember.

“When at work don’t be afraid to ask questions, nobody is going to expect you to know everything on your first day back.”

The survey, which was carried out by Proctor & Gamble, found that new mothers employed a variety of ways to boost their confidence, including splashing out on new clothes and a new hair cut.

Others said having an early night, wearing their favourite outfit and updating their hair colour also helped.



Dr Linda Papadopoulos suggests:

1. Let go of any feelings of guilt about going back to work. I know from working with families that this is often an issue for parents, but remember that you’re setting a good example for your children and helping to provide for them.

2. As with any big change, nerves are inevitable, but remember all the things that you enjoyed about your working life before parenthood and focus on the positive transferable skills that you’ve learnt from having your child.

3. Balancing work and home life is a challenge that we all face. Discuss your options with your partner and family and friends, and have back-up plans in case something crops up at work or at home.

4. Be honest with yourself and with your employer and colleagues. Don’t be afraid to be open about your concerns – often those around you will be able to support you in dealing with them.

5. Boost your confidence: new make-up, fresh hair colour and wearing your favourite outfit can all help you feel more confident on that first day back. – Daily Mail

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