Add diascia colour to your garden

A South African plant that has become an international success.

A South African plant that has become an international success.

Published Feb 18, 2011


For summer colour in abundance consider indigenous diascia. This beautiful flowering plant was virtually unheard of a few years ago, but when plant growers started breeding crosses and hybrids in a variety of sizes and colours, it became an overnight success. There are more than 70 species of this perennial, and they are all indigenous to South Africa.

The traditionally grown Diascia integerrima and Diascia barberae both have pink blooms, but the new hybrids offer a wide range of colours from white, pink, lavender and wine red through to orange and terracotta.

The delicate flowers are 1cm in diameter, but bloom in such profusion that each plant provides masses of colour. Diascias will bloom all summer long and well into autumn if conditions are relatively cool, so in very hot gardens plant them in partial shade.

“Diamante” (40cm x 25cm) and “Sun Chimes” diascias (40cm x 20cm) are upright and compact, and are ideal for massed plantings in borders. The heat-tolerant 40cm tall semi-trailing “Whisper” diascias are excellent for containers, hanging baskets and trailing over the edge of raised beds.

“Genta” diascias have slighter larger blooms than most other cultivars.

Plant in compost-enriched soil that drains well in full sun or semi-shade. Fertilise every three weeks with a liquid fertiliser during the flowering season, and water regularly. Most diascias tolerate moderate frost. - Saturday Star

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