Blossom in the workplace

Published May 5, 2011


Indoor plants are known to keep the indoor climate cleaner and more stable. They improve the humidity levels as they transpire water through their leaves. They absorb warmth, sound and filter the air of dust and harmful gasses. Research also shows that plants reduce stress levels and improve creativity. In short, plants enhance our mood and improve our general performance.

Research in Holland done on the use of plants in the office environment and at workstations has concluded that people working on a computer for more than four hours a day generally feel better and are more productive than their counterparts who have no plants at their desks. Studies have shown that indoor plants help to reduce distractions due to office noise as, strategically placed, they quieten down an office. A small indoor wall of plants placed around a workspace will reduce noise by five decibels.

Not only do flowering indoor plants provide glorious colour with their beautiful blooms, but those with glamorous foliage also add interest throughout the year. Try these pretty flowering indoor plants:



Growth habit: Easy to grow 30cm tall succulent with masses of small orange, red, yellow or salmon flowers on spreading heads. Blooms for up to two months, available as blooming plants throughout the year.

Light: Requires several hours of direct sunlight with bright light for the remainder of the day.

Needs: Will grow in dry conditions. Water only when the soil is dry. Fertilise once a month with a liquid fertiliser in spring and summer.

Uses: Use in sun rooms, patios and bright hot indoor areas.



Growth habit: Magnificent pink, cerise, lilac and white blooms on long stalks in winter and attractive heart-shaped foliage. Blooms for up to eight weeks in winter.

Light: Likes bright light but no direct sunlight, and a cool position.

Needs: Average humidity – spray foliage once every two weeks. Water regularly but never allow the soil to be too wet as soggy roots will kill the plant. Does not like heated rooms. Fertilise every two weeks with a liquid fertiliser throughout the growing season.

Uses: Lovely winter colour on coffee table, desk tops or windowsills.


Cymbidium orchids

Growth habit: Easy to grow plant with long narrow drooping leaves. Ethereally lovely blooms in shades of orange, red, pink, yellow and green. They bloom for up to three weeks in winter. Standard cymbidiums grow to 1m tall, miniatures grow to 60cm.

Light: Need bright light but no direct sunlight.

Needs: Average to high humidity – spray leaves regularly. Keep moist at all times – water two to three times a week and every day in hot dry weather. Place plant on saucer of damp pebbles, but do not let the orchid stand in water as good drainage is essential. Apply one teaspoon of general fertiliser or special orchid fertiliser round the edge of the pot every three months. They do not like draughts. Divide and repot every two years after flowering.

Uses: Stunning indoor patio plants. Look good in large basket.



Growth habit: Easy to grow plants with spectacular colour in every shade except blue. They flower for up to six weeks. Available in flower all year round. Choose plants with coloured buds, not green buds.

Light: Bright light or even some direct sunlight.

Needs: Average humidity – spray foliage once every two weeks. Water well, then allow surface soil to dry out before watering again. Do not stand in saucer of water. If plant wilts during hot dry periods, plunge entire pot into a basin of water until thoroughly soaked. Dislikes heated rooms. Fertilise every two weeks with a balanced liquid or foliar fertiliser during flowering period. After flowering, plant them in the garden.

Uses: Spectacular colour for tabletops.



Growth habit: An easy to grow, low-growing plant with foliage in rosette formation and primrose-shaped flowers in every shade. Flowers profusely in late winter and early spring.

Light: Bright light but no direct sunlight.

Needs: Average humidity. Keep soil moist at all times, but not soggy. Fertilise every two weeks with a liquid or foliar fertiliser during the growing and flowering season.

Uses: Superb in large, flat bowls in bright entrances and hallways or in small pots for desk and table tops.


African violet

Growth habit: Low-growing plant with rosette-shaped foliage and flowers in pink, blue, mauve, purple and white. Given the right balance of warmth, light and water they will bloom throughout the year.

Light: Needs plenty of bright light but no direct sunlight to flower well. A lack of light is the most common cause of lack of blooms.

Needs: Only water when the surface feels dry to the touch. Use tepid water, never cold, and drain well. Apply commercially available special African violet fertiliser once a fortnight.

Uses: Looks good in basket with spagnum moss and delicate maidenhair fern.

* For more information, see - Daily News

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