Gardening tips for beginners

An ornamental pond will add a further dimension to the garden and create an illusion of coolness on a hot summer's day.

An ornamental pond will add a further dimension to the garden and create an illusion of coolness on a hot summer's day.

Published Feb 2, 2011


* Many species of butterflies and moths are attracted by the nectar in the white, blue or purple honey-scented tubular flowers of freylinias. Grow this versatile and decorative shrub as a background, as a clipped low screen, or as a standard bush. Trim to keep neat and encourage “bushiness”.

* Sow seed of cosmos where they are to flower in full sun and you will have dainty white, pink and magenta flowers throughout autumn. Sow seed thinly so that each plant can develop to its full potential.

* Water is always an attractive feature in a garden, and an ornamental pond, where the water can reflect the blue of the sky, will add a further dimension to the garden and create an illusion of coolness on a hot summer’s day.

* Indigenous plumbago (Plumbago auriculata) has clusters of powder blue flowers that can be grown as a billowing shrub (1.5m x 1.5m) on boundaries, trained over walls or down banks. Plumbago Royal Cape is more compact with bright blue flowers. Growth can be controlled by trimming back after each flowering.

* Water newly planted trees and shrubs deeply to help establish a good root system. Give a booster to established shrubs by spraying with a liquid fertiliser that is quickly absorbed by the leaves.

* Check for amaryllis caterpillar that burrows into the bulbs and leaves of amaryllis, nerines, clivia, crinum and cyrtanthus. Spray with a carbaryl-based insecticide or Margaret Roberts Biological Caterpillar Insecticide. - Weekend Argus

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