Machismo or what? Pink Chev pace car

Breast cancer survivors and their guests will take turns riding around the Atlanta Motor Speedway track Friday in this specially themed pink Chevrolet Camaro SS Pace Car driven by Team Chevy’s Jamie McMurray and Ron Hornaday, Jr. On Sunday, Chevrolet will donate $200 for every caution lap the Camaro SS paces in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series AdvoCare 500. Last year, 64 caution laps generated $12,800 for the American Cancer Society.

Breast cancer survivors and their guests will take turns riding around the Atlanta Motor Speedway track Friday in this specially themed pink Chevrolet Camaro SS Pace Car driven by Team Chevy’s Jamie McMurray and Ron Hornaday, Jr. On Sunday, Chevrolet will donate $200 for every caution lap the Camaro SS paces in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series AdvoCare 500. Last year, 64 caution laps generated $12,800 for the American Cancer Society.

Published Sep 3, 2012


They say it takes a real man to wear a pink shirt - in which case Chevrolet is demonstrating machismo of the highest order with this pink Camaro SS, which will be front and centre as the pace car for this weekend's Advocare 500 at the Atlanta Motor Speedway in Georgia.

And more than that, for every when the car is out on the circuit under the caution flag, GM will donate $200 (R1700) to the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer initiative.

“We began supporting the American Cancer Society as part of our centenary in 2011.”

Don Johnson, vice president of Chevrolet Sales and Service, explained: “The generous response from our dealers, employees and customers told us we needed to help the Society fight for more birthdays.”

On Friday, 30 breast cancer survivors and their guests will spend the day at Atlanta Motor Speedway, going round the circuit in the pink Camaro with works driver Jamie McMurray and truck-racing champion Ron Hornaday Jr.

They'll also get to meet Nascar's top lady driver, Danica Patrick.

Then, on Sunday, the pink Camaro will go to work shepherding the racers around the circuit under the caution flag. Last year, 64 caution laps at Atlanta generated $12 800 (R108 000) for the American Cancer Society.

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