What if Mad Max drove a Chevy Spark?

Published Nov 2, 2012


Imagine if Mad Max drove a Chevy Spark; incongruous though it sounds, that's exactly what grunge label Enemy to Fashion and specialist fabricator Rhine Built of Charlotteville, North Carolina - the heart of Nascar country - have come up with for this year's Specialty Equipment Marketing Association show, on now in Las Vegas.

Bill Rhine specialises in concours restorations, particularly of vintage racing cars so, the detail work that went into this one-off show car was right up his Gasoline Alley.

Using vintage military-surplus colours and materials, the whole car has been literally re-skinned in canvas and camo, and armoured all round with nerf bars.

“It screams post-apocalyptic Cannonball Run.”

Weapon Collective Creative Director Caleb Clark, who started the Enemy To Fashion brand in 2005, said: “It's not what you would expect to see from a Chevy Spark, but the car really wears it well.”

And it's a feel, as much as it's a look; the interior has been trimmed in battle-used military-surplus materials and military-grade technical fabric so that it's as tough and functional as it looks - although we're not sure about the huge speakers on the roof, unless they're a nod to tank commander Oddball in the 1970 cult classic Kelly's Heroes.

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