Numerous members of the African National Congress (ANC) expressed disappointment following the party’s 113th birthday celebrations, citing insufficient food provisions.
Thousands of supporters descended on the Mandela Park Stadium in Khayelitsha on Saturday. Some came from as far as the Karoo in buses and taxis.
When arriving at the stadium, they had a choice to sit in either of three tents provided for them, while some decided to stand near the podium for a closer look at the ANC Cyril Ramaphosa and the National Executive Committee and provincial leaders.
Regional chairperson, Ndithini Thyido, said: “Many thought we wouldn’t have numbers and we have proven them wrong. We hired 1 037 taxis from the Congress Organisation of the Democratic Taxi Association (Codeta), and we also had a lot of taxis from (Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (Cata).
“We are happy with the turnout.”
Rena Minnies, who travelled from the Overberg region, said she wants the ANC to be renewed in time for the local government elections in 2026.
“I came to listen to the president and my hope is that after the celebrations, the ANC will revive itself.
“I think our priority is to go to the people on the ground and hope to get more votes in the local elections.”
Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address which took about two hours.
Restless spectators who stood in the sun kept asking for water which was not distributed to them.
Phozisa Ntoni said: “Since we arrived in the morning, we didn’t get food, or water.
“We stood for hours and at the end of the president’s speech, we saw artists performing.
“I decided to leave the stadium because I felt dizzy, and it was very hot.”
Outside the stadium were vendors selling ANC regalia, food and even cosmetics.
Masoka Sathekge said: “We travelled from Johannesburg by bus and we have been in Cape Town for three days, because selling regalia is our bread and butter. This is better than waiting for the government’s handouts.
“We made quite a good profit.”
A man whose house is near the stadium said he was forced to stay at home as there were taxis parked infront of his Tambo Road home.
Mcebisi Mhlabeni explained: “There were three taxis parked in front of my home and I couldn’t drive out.
“The ANC didn’t ask for permission, their supporters just parked. The only option was to wait until the event was done.”
On the same road, there were many cards with pink traffic fines.