BMW driver arrested for clocking 191km/hour released on R3 500 bail

A BMW driver is among 2 000 motorists who have been arrested for driving offences since December 1. Picture: File

A BMW driver is among 2 000 motorists who have been arrested for driving offences since December 1. Picture: File

Published Dec 20, 2022


Pretoria – The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) says more than 2 000 motorists have been arrested nationwide since December 1.

Statistics collected by the RTMC show that 2 241 motorists had been arrested for, among other things, drunk driving, speeding, driving without a licence and violation of permits.

The driver arrested for the highest speed so far this festive season had clocked 191km/h in a 120km/h zone, in a BMW sedan.

He was caught speeding on the N1 to Bloemfontein, Free State, on December 8, said RTMC spokesperson Simon Zwane.

The motorist was released on R3 500 bail.

Zwane said law enforcement agencies were on high alert as the country prepared for the second peak in traffic volumes on national roads this week, as more travellers would be making their way to various destinations for the Christmas holidays.

He said more than 188 roadblocks had been conducted in which 611 148 vehicles had been stopped and checked.

More than 100 960 traffic fines had been issued.

“Evidence shows that some motorists continue to operate unroadworthy vehicles on public roads placing the lives of other motorists at risk. More than 4 200 vehicles have since been discontinued from operating,” said Zwane.

“A total of 324 motorists were arrested for drunken driving.”

Among those arrested, the highest alcohol level was recorded in Gauteng, between Lever and New Road in Midrand, said Zwane. “The suspect’s alcohol reading was recorded at 3.99mg/1 00ml.”

Earlier this month, the national commissioner of police, General Fannie Masemola, said the SAPS safer festive season operations, which are in full swing, included crime awareness campaigns, foot, vehicle and air-support patrols, stop and searches, arrests, vehicle checkpoints and roadblocks.

Speaking to journalists in Pretoria, Masemola said maximum resources had been deployed to assert the authority of the state to regain public confidence and ensure that people across South Africa were and felt safe.