Free State serial rapist to spend 117 years behind bars

Letela Makhetha, 35, will be spending over a hundred years in prison for sexually violating innocent young girls and women. File picture: Supplied

Letela Makhetha, 35, will be spending over a hundred years in prison for sexually violating innocent young girls and women. File picture: Supplied

Published Apr 25, 2023


Cape Town - The Bloemfontein High Court sentenced serial Letela Makhetha to 117 years imprisonment for rape, assault and housebreaking with the intent to rape.

The Bloemfontein High Court last week Wednesday, said that the 35-year-old serial rapist Makhetha would be spending over a hundred years in prison for sexually violating innocent young girls and women.

Captain Bez Bezuidenhout from the Free State Provincial Serial and Electronic Crime Investigation (SECI) under the Mangaung Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offices Unit (FSC) investigated Makhathe’s case until he successfully got a conviction.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Ikobeng Hlubi said according to the records, Makhetha raped his victims, aged between 12 and 45, dating back fifteen years, and it is alleged that he would break into the victims’ houses while they were asleep and rape them.

“In other cases, he would follow his victims on their way to work, overpower them and rape them.

“For quite some time, he managed to hide from the law until he was arrested in the vicinity of Mangaung in February last year, following the DNA results that linked him to a number of about twelve cases all registered at Bloemspruit police station," Hlubi said.

Hlubi further said that, Makhetha’s sentence was done in accordance with the old Sexual Offences Act 2016 amendment, where the maximum sentencing for rape was 10 to 15 years’ imprisonment.

“Not only will Makhetha be serving such a hefty sentence, but his name will also be placed on the Sexual Offences Register and he will never be allowed to work with children in the future,” Hlubi added.