Lesufi to visit the families of two deceased Lekgalong Primary educators

Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi. Picture : Simone Kley

Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi. Picture : Simone Kley

Published Mar 24, 2022


Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi is expected to visit the families of the two deceased female educators from Lekgalong Primary School in Ga-Rankuwa Zone 1 who were fatally shot on Monday, 21 March 2022.

According to the reports, the 27-year-old and 26-year-old educators were allegedly shot dead at their rented residence in Ga-Rankuwa on Monday afternoon by a rejected stalker who demanded an arranged marriage with one of them.

The two teachers started working at the school in February 2021 after graduating from the Tshwane University of Technology. They are said to have been the best of friends.

Brenda Kgatitsoe, from Winterveld, taught subjects including Setswana. Vuyile Mkhize, who originated from KwaZulu-Natal, taught mathematics and technology.

When speaking to Pretoria News, A colleague said Kgatitsoe and Mkhize were so close they wore almost the same styles to work every day. They eventually became so close they decided to move in together.

The educator further stated that the problems arose when a man started coming around to school, harassing and stalking one of them.

The victim allegedly informed her colleagues that the man and some of her family relatives wanted to force her into an arranged marriage which she did not want nor consent to.

“I saw him parked outside the gate and went there to watch him until he decided to drive off. In the end, I advised her to go to the police and get a protection order against him. She came back only to say the police could do nothing as he had gone back to KZN.

Lesufi expressed condolences to the families of the two teachers

“We are devastated by this gruesome act of criminality that has taken the lives of two of our youngest and brightest educators,” he said.

Gauteng police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo said three bodies - two women and a man - were discovered in a room in Ga-Rankuwa.

"Police were called by community members who heard gunshots inside the room. Police responded swiftly and found the room locked. Police broke the door open and found three bodies with gunshot wounds. It is suspected that the male shot the two females and shot himself." he said.