Eureka: EFF condemns whites-only town

A new ‘whites-only’ settlement.

A new ‘whites-only’ settlement.

Published Mar 8, 2019


Kimberley - The EFF in the Northern Cape on Thursday “fully denounced” the new whites-only settlement Eureka, which had been established by “the racist” Adriaan Alettus Nieuwoudt outside Garries in the Northern Cape.

“We believe that our rights and fight against racial discrimination have been violated by such a proclamation. South Africa has experienced several racial attacks, especially the Northern Cape where people are still treated unfairly due to the colour of their skin. We are currently fighting the Orania debacle where whites want to exclude other races from parts of society.

"We believe that Nieuwoudt is busy fuelling divisions among the citizens of this Province and that should not be allowed under the democratic South Africa. We should remember that whites are not the only ones facing challenges such as crime, corruption and non-service delivery,” EFF spokesperson in the Northern Cape, Obakeng Lechuti, said on Thursday.

“As the EFF we are advocating for equality, and cannot allow white privileges to advance while the majority of black people are still without land. We commit to our members and citizens of this Province that if this motion finds expression in the white community, they must expect that our black people will also occupy that 1 000 square metres of land too.

“We all remember that Nieuwoudt was once sequestrated and sentenced to nine years in jail but only spent one year in jail. Our Northern Cape people should be aware of this self-focused individual who is aiming to rob our people with lies.

Adriaan Alettus Nieuwoudt. Picture: Facebook

“The EFF will continue to advocate and advance for land expropriation without compensation for equal redistribution,” Lechuti concluded.

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