PICS: Stompie's mother visits #WinnieMandela's home

Winnie Madikizela Mandela's spiritual mother, Community Mayor and Queen Mother of Harlem, Dr Delois Blakley, following her visit of the Madikizela Mandela family on Tuesday.

Winnie Madikizela Mandela's spiritual mother, Community Mayor and Queen Mother of Harlem, Dr Delois Blakley, following her visit of the Madikizela Mandela family on Tuesday.

Published Apr 10, 2018


JOHANNESBURG - The mother of young activist Stompie Seipei reiterated on Tuesday evening, during her visit to the home of Struggle icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, that she was not linked to the death of her son and that people needed to stop talking about it.

Joyce Seipei came from the Free State to visit the home of the late stalwart in Orlando West for the first time, and said it was unfortunate that she was coming following the death of Madikizela Mandela.

"I'm happy that I got to meet Zinzi and the family," Seipei said while addressing the media.

Seipei was accompanied by ANC secretary-general and former Free State premier Ace Magashule, president of the ANC Women's League Bathabile Dlamini and members from the Free State.

ALSO READ: VIDEO: #WinnieMandela did not kill Stompie - Vytjie Mentor

Dlamini was also hand in hand with Madikizela-Mandela's spiritual mother, Dr Delois Blakley, community mayor and Queen Mother of Harlem, who came from Harlem to pay her respects.

Mother of Stompie Seipei signing the remembrance book outside the home of struggle icon Winnie Madikizela Mandela on Tuesday.

"Her legacy will live on, Mama cared about us 55 million displaced Africans displaced by slave trade, I traveled 15 hours by plane to be here and Mama wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Mama is our pillar, our bloodline. She was a freedom fighter and all is fair in love and war. 

"Everything was in divine order when she came across us in Harlem as our mother, sister and daughter. We ask that God gives her eternal peace that she [longed] for," Blakley said while shedding a tear.

Joyce Seipei, mother of young activist Stompie Seipei, arriving at the home of the late struggle icon Winnie Madikizela Mandela on Tuesday.

"She was a woman of truth whether you agreed with her or not it didn't matter, a woman with integrity, a woman that loved and cared and if you knew Mama Winnie she would push you forward too in her leadership style."

Blakley continued to share the bond she had with Madikizela-Mandela and added that the women of Harlem loved her.

African News Agency/ANA

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