WATCH: Mandela Foundation pays tribute to #WinnieMandela

Picture: Nokuthula Zwane

Picture: Nokuthula Zwane

Published Apr 9, 2018


Johannesburg - The Nelson Mandela Foundation hosted a tribute event to honour the late Winnie Madikizela-Mandela at Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg on Monday. The event coincides with the build up to what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday later this year.

The foundation trustees said the aim of the tribute was to acknowledge Mama Winnie’s enormous contribution to the anti-apartheid movement and the huge personal sacrifices she made for the achievement of our democracy, and also to remind South Africans of the work that remains to be done.

Journalist Nikiwe Bikitsha said the legendary struggle icon was a lioness and a warrior. 

Machel says has been hard to grasp the passing of #MamaWinnie and has been silent during this time. @ReporterStar

— Nokuthula Zwane (@Zwane_2Li2Ls) April 9, 2018

Cecile Palmer, a fellow activist who was pregnant when she was detained for four months in the Women's Jail at the Constitutional Hill,  remembered Mama Winnie as a fighter. 

#RIPWinnieMandela Ndileka Mandela eldest grandchild of Nelson and Winnie Mandela says the family will still need support during this time.

She is embraced/comforted by Graça Machel. @ReporterStar

— Nokuthula Zwane (@Zwane_2Li2Ls) April 9, 2018

“Her concern has also been about (the) people who have been forgotten,” said Palmer. 


Deputy Chief Justice of South Africa Zondo says #MamaWinnie was firm in wanting to defeat apartheid @ReporterStar

— Nokuthula Zwane (@Zwane_2Li2Ls) April 9, 2018

Nelson Mandela’s widow Graca Machel, Madiba’s Rivonia trail lawyer George Bizos and Minister in the Precidency Jeff Radebe are among those who paid tribute to Mama Winnie. 

Machel says #MamaWinnie was a big tree in the lives of her children and grandchildren.

She says:” I want to ask you that come Monday, that you embrace the Mandela children...because they have no one”

— Nokuthula Zwane (@Zwane_2Li2Ls) April 9, 2018

Picture: Nokuthula Zwane

#RIPWinnieMadikizelaMandela Minister of the Presidency Jeff Radebe says the legacy of #MamaWinnie should be preserved. @ReporterStar

— Nokuthula Zwane (@Zwane_2Li2Ls) April 9, 2018


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