67 ways to help this Mandela Day: Make a difference in Alex with The Men's Forum

Published Jul 17, 2020


The Men's Forum in collaboration with Rotary Community Corps of Alexandra, Rotary Sandton Club, Lovestruck, Action Support Centre, Alexandra Peace Ambassadors, Ithabeleng Organisation of Disability and Sakha Isizwe Drop-in Centre unite on Mandela Day to offer support vulnerable in Alexandra.

Says Charles Mphephu from The Men’s Forum, “Communities that stand together to look after their members are stronger than those that sit back and wait for other people to solve their problems. 

"We are proud that we have bridged the connection between our community and others so that we can all work together to uplift each other.”

On Mandela Day, the organisations will meet at the Rotary ground on the corner of 6th Avenue and Alfred Nzo. From here, they will hand out food parcels, clothes, blankets and sanitary pads to child-headed households, the elderly and the disabled.

Some of the children who have previously benefitted from Men's Forum projects. Picture: Supplied

For the Men’s Forum, giving is not a once off event, it is a conscious choice about how to create a life of meaning and purpose. 

The forum aims to motivate, engage, assist and inspire men to be examples of change in their community and build a society where all people who live in it, are free without fear.

If you have any items to donate or time to spare, please contact Charles on +27 72 500 7686.

* Find more organisations and worthy causes to support on Mandela Day: 

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