PICS: Puppy rescued after crawling into drain pipe to escape Diwali bangs

A camera was used to ascertain how far into the pipe the pup had crawled. Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

A camera was used to ascertain how far into the pipe the pup had crawled. Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Published Oct 28, 2022


Durban – A puppy was rescued after crawling into a 23m drain pipe to escape the loud Diwali bangs in Durban, earlier this week.

The Kloof and Highway SPCA said the terrified pup was brought out of the pipe following a 4-hour rescue effort.

“Unfortunately for her, the more scared she became, the further she ventured until it became impossible for her to retreat.

“When Inspector Petros Simamane and Field Officer Philani Nzama were called to the scene the next day, it became apparent they would need a camera to ascertain exactly how far she had gone in.

“Ganga Plumbers were only too happy to assist with their camera as soon as they realised a little puppy was in dire need of being rescued,” the organisation said.

Finally, after hours of digging and sweat, the shivering pup was retrieved from the pipe.

The drain pipe that the puppy crawled into. Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

The organisation thanked all the those who assisted to rescue the puppy.

“A special mention to Ganga Plumbers for the use of the invaluable camera,” the Kloof and Highway SPCA added.

After a harrowing ordeal, the pup was fed and wrapped safely in a fleece blanket.

The organisation noted that the pup was just one of the fortunate animals they were able to assist.

“… But let us spare a thought to all those animals who spent the night petrified and frightened while people continued to ignore our pleas to refrain from loud fireworks,” the SPCA said.