WATCH: Leopard takes down wildebeest 3 times its size

The leopard can be seen with its jaw locked around the neck of the wildebeest. Image: Koos Kilian.

The leopard can be seen with its jaw locked around the neck of the wildebeest. Image: Koos Kilian.

Published Oct 20, 2022


Durban - A leopard was spotted at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve in the North West, hunting and taking down a wildebeest almost three times its size.

After stalking part of the herd from the bank of a waterhole in the Lengau dam vicinity, the leopard crawled its way closer and closer to its prey before making the world's fastest sprint.

After honing in on the wildebeest it wanted to catch, the leopard runs toward it and quickly catches it by the tail end and flips it around.

As the wildebeest falls over, the apex predator locks its jaw around the neck of its victim and uses its body weight to take the creature down.

Koos Kilian from Kambako Executive Lodge was with a group that was lucky enough to witness nature’s elite on the prowl.

"The leopard had been stalking a herd of wildebeest next to the waterhole the whole time. Seconds before the leopard charged, a guest, who had been photographing the general game, realised what was happening."

"Of course, we were all on the edge of our seats, but I remained doubtful, thinking - what are the chances of this leopard being successful?

"The leopard kept his focus on one wildebeest and took off! I got goosebumps! He took the wildebeest down, which was unbelievable when you compare the size difference. I so badly wanted my wife and her guests to see this too, but by the time they arrived, the leopard had moved deeper into the grass to cool down with its prize,” Kilian said.

He said the group returned to the spot after a while to watch the leopard “enjoy his lunch”.