A 17-year-old has retaliated to requests to pay rent when she turns 18 by telling her step-dad that he owes her rent. Picture: Anastasiya Gepp/Pexels
It is a question that is increasingly coming up for debate these days: Should adult children be made to pay their parents rent?
But one teenager turned the table on her step-dad when he told her that, once she turns 18, she will need to pay rent. The reason? The teen actually owns the property in which they and their family live. Ouch.
And, as it turns out, the step-dad did not know this when telling the teen she would soon need to pay rent. Double ouch. He was made to believe that their home was owned by his wife.
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Responding to an 'Am I the A**hole?’ post on Reddit in which a 17-year-old asked whether they were the a**hole for charging their step-dad rent for living in a house they owned, Twitter user @MediocreDave tweeted: “The only good and permissable act of landlordism in human history”.
The responses make for interesting reading and consideration.
Tweep @itzxmeta believes the situation is not about who owns the property, but who pays the bills.
Twitter user @TrippDinger, also seems to side with the step-dad.
Some people find the situation both serious and hilarious.
The debate also lead to the issue of step-parenting as a whole.
While most people believe that the teenager does not have the right to ask for rent when her mother and step-dad have been paying the household bills, rates, taxes, and maintenance of the home, one Tweep goes as far as blaming the mother.
Either way, this debate is bound to get heated. One can only wish they had been a fly on the wall when the retaliatory exchange took place.