Thabang Moroe was suspended by Cricket South Africa. Photo: Anesh Debiky/BackpagePix
CAPE TOWN - It’s been a hectic few days for Cricket South Africa (CSA), culminating with the resignation of all Independent and Non-independent Directors on Monday.
“Following a meeting of the Members’ Council on Sunday, held to discuss a roadmap for Cricket South Africa (CSA), the Members’ Council received and accepted resignations from all the Board members.
“All resignations are with immediate effect except for three members, namely, Zola Thamae, John Mogodi and Donovan May, who will remain as directors until the interim board structure has been appointed to ensure the continuity and stability of the organisation,” CSA said in a statement.
These resignations follow the departure of acting president Beresford Williams, who tendered his resignation on Sunday morning.
But who will now steer this sinking ship to calmer waters? It seems like plans are already being made to revive CSA with an interim board.
The plan going forward will be for the remaining independent board members‚ a representative nominated by the Minister Mthethwa‚ one by Sascoc and another one by the International Cricket Council (ICC), and former national cricketer pending approval from the South African Cricketers Association (Saca) will comprise the new interim board.
However, it’s going to take some hard work and dedicated individuals with the game’s best interest at heart to get the organisation back on its feet.
LISTEN: Independent Media senior cricket writer Zaahier Adams chats about the current spate of resignations at Cricket South Africa.