5 ways to reclaim your happiness this Women's Month

Published Aug 15, 2024


In today’s fast-paced society, many of us feel overwhelmed by stress and burnout. It’s easy to think that happiness means staying positive all the time, but that’s not realistic. It’s okay to feel sad or frustrated; what matters is how we handle those feelings.

With endless meetings, grocery lists, and school runs, it can feel like women are constantly juggling responsibilities. We often put everyone else’s needs before our own, which can lead to losing sight of our own happiness and well-being.

To combat this, it’s essential to take a step back and find time for ourselves. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, whether it’s painting, meditating or simply going for a walk, can help recharge our minds and spirits.

These moments of “me-time” are crucial for nurturing our mental and emotional health.

Positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson reminds us that negative emotions have their purpose too. They help us identify risks and stay safe, even if we don’t need that instinct as much as our ancestors did.

If you're looking for ways to reconnect with what truly makes you happy, consider these fun and relaxing ideas for your personal time. It’s all about finding what brings you joy and making space for it in your life.

Making time for yourself isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential. Picture: Nappy/Pexels

Cricut South Africa has curated a collection of ideas to help women reclaim their joy and practise self-care during this women’s month:


Imagine stepping into your garden, the warm sun on your face, a cool breeze brushing by, and the earth beneath your fingers as you plant a new seedling.

Gardening can help create a space to reconnect with nature and yourself as a form of therapy, offering you a peaceful retreat from the demands of daily life.

As you watch your garden grow, you’re reminded that you too deserve to flourish, to take time for yourself, and to nurture your own well-being.

Learn a new instrument

Whether it’s the piano, the drums or a ukulele, learning to play a new instrument is a creative outlet that’s both challenging and fun.

Don’t focus too much on mastering it or being perfect – allow yourself to make mistakes and enjoy the process of learning something that may even be outside of your comfort zone.

Get crafty

Contrary to popular belief, crafting isn’t just for people who are creative at heart. Rather, it’s a way to spark and unleash your innate creativity and bring ideas to life.

Whether you’re making a scrapbook, designing home decor, or crafting personalised gifts, these activities allow you to focus on something that’s just for you.

With tools like a Cricut machine, you can create intricate, personalised designs with ease, and the sense of satisfaction you get from creating something beautiful is second to none.

Move your body

Exercise is often viewed as a chore, but it’s also a powerful way to reconnect with your body and boost your mood.

Whether it’s a yoga session that helps you find inner peace, a brisk walk in nature, or a dance class that makes you feel alive, moving your body is an act of self-care that can lift your spirits while offering physical and mental benefits.


Working with clay offers you the chance to create something beautiful and tangible with your own hands and can be both meditative and empowering.

Pottery allows you to disconnect from the fast pace of life, slow down, and focus on the present moment. It’s a wonderful way to explore your artistic side while also enjoying the therapeutic benefits of working with your hands.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget about ourselves while juggling responsibilities.

“Taking a break from the daily grind to enjoy a hobby is really important, but women often don’t allow themselves that time,” says Jowilna Nolte, who works in Consumer Marketing for Cricut in the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa.

For her, crafting isn’t just a way to relax; it’s a deliberate choice to prioritize her happiness and find fulfilment beyond work.

Making time for yourself isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential. Engaging in activities that bring you joy, like crafting, gardening, or learning something new, can have a powerful impact.

These moments enrich your life and help you become a calmer, more fulfilled version of yourself. So don’t hesitate to reclaim your joy. You deserve it!