Expert advice on managing nerve damage

Nerve damage can lead to unexplained limb pain. Picture: File

Nerve damage can lead to unexplained limb pain. Picture: File

Published Feb 29, 2024


You might have experienced an uncomfortable numb feeling, pins and needles or stabbing pains in different parts of your body.

And while these sensations might be unsettling, you probably haven’t sought medical attention yet.

But Medipost Pharmacy pharmacist Tanya Buys warned that you could be afflicted by nerve damage, which could be problematic if it is not identified and treated early.

“Our nerves are a network of fibres that send messages between the brain and organs, including the heart, stomach and lungs, for normal involuntary functioning,” she said.

“They also communicate voluntary muscle movement and reaction to sensations throughout the body.”

Buys added that these fibres can become damaged in various ways, including through traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic conditions such as diabetes, inherited causes or exposure to toxins.

“For those who have nerve damage, and as a protective measure for those who don’t, B vitamins are recommended for maintaining a healthy nervous system as it is not always easy to get the quantities we need in the food we eat alone.”

The pharmacist warned that a deficiency in vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can result in lasting nerve damage.

“It is important to speak to your doctor or pharmacist regularly about your individual supplementation needs,” she suggested.

Buys added that nerve damage may cause weakness, loss of feeling and pain.

It is usually described as a stabbing, burning or tingling feeling, and the area could be sensitive to touch.

“For some people, ordinary pain relievers such as paracetamol may not be effective, and their doctor may prescribe medication for managing neuropathic pain specifically.”

Buys also warned that the underlying cause and degree of nerve damage determines the treatment required.

“Multiple sclerosis is an example of a chronic condition where permanent nerve damage can progress rapidly if left untreated.

“Early diagnosis by a neurologist is essential to start managing the condition in its early stages, to help slow or prevent further nerve damage and improve the person’s quality of life,” she said.

She added that in the case of an injury or infection, the onset of nerve damage may be sudden.

And depending on the degree of damage, it may heal within a few days or weeks but sometimes may require surgery to repair.

But Buys said that with mild damage, a doctor may suggest alternative treatments, like acupuncture or massage therapy.

Meanwhile, she added that shingles is a viral condition where nerve damage creates hypersensitivity and a burning sensation.

“It usually presents itself as a painful rash with blisters on one side of the face or body, and along with prescription treatment, lysine and zinc have anti-viral properties that may assist in healing.”

Health experts have warned that those with diabetes should be especially vigilant as they are at higher risk of nerve damage and its complications. Picture: File

In addition, Buys warned that those with diabetes should be especially vigilant as they are at higher risk of nerve damage and its complications, particularly if their blood sugar levels are not well controlled.

“The effects of uncontrolled diabetes may not be felt immediately, but the long-term effects are very real.’

She recommended taking frequent blood sugar readings to monitor blood glucose levels during the day as part of a healthy diabetic treatment plan.

“Type 1 diabetics requiring insulin treatment may benefit from continuous glucose-monitoring sensors that give regular blood sugar readings without frequent painful finger pricking.

“Doctors may prescribe insulin pumps to patients requiring automated 24-hour insulin control, including small children and patients struggling to keep their glucose levels under control, which can help prevent complications like nerve damage.”

Buys stressed the importance of taking the signs and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy seriously because nerve damage becomes more debilitating once muscle movement starts to be affected.

“A person with nerve damage is also more at risk of secondary infections and severe injuries because the message of pain, pressure or heat in the affected area of their body is lost or delayed in reaching the brain,” she warned.

“It is therefore essential that people with peripheral nerve damage or their caregivers regularly check for any wounds because the person may not otherwise realise they have a cut or sore, which could become infected if not treated promptly.”

And for those with nerve damage, Buys advised that smoking and alcohol should be avoided because the toxins impair your body’s natural healing abilities, while physical activity should be increased to help improve circulation and maintain mobility.

“It is also important to keep the extremities warm using protective clothing and a hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel, which can help to keep out the cold at bedtime in winter,” she said.