How to fall in love with greens and overcome veggie phobia

Make a basic soup. Picture: Pexels/Dainik Tales

Make a basic soup. Picture: Pexels/Dainik Tales

Published Jan 22, 2024


If you know anything about health and wellness, you know that you are supposed to be eating vegetables. However knowledge does not always lead to smart choices.

As we speak, there are many people who do not like eating fruit and vegetables. And if you are one of them, chances are, the reason you do not like to eat vegetables is simple, and the solution to overcoming your veggie phobia is even simpler.

Below we have put together some powerful strategies that can guide you to not just eat but actually relish and look forward to your daily servings of vegetables.

Understanding where the vegetable is from and how it is prepared can be exciting. l PEXELS/SOLARE FLARES

Try one new vegetable a week

Many people say that vegetables are boring. I beg to differ. Have you taken a walk through your local farmers market lately? Just browsing through the grocery store, you will notice new items appearing all the time.

Buy one new vegetable a week and then google it for some cooking options.

Understanding where the vegetable is from and how it is prepared can be exciting, and you will broaden your taste buds by discovering new cuisines and tastes.

Roast your veggies

Many people would agree that roasted veggies are a thousand times more delicious than boiled or steamed veggies.

Roasting is pretty much my go-to method for cooking veggies – it is pretty hands-off, and it gets them nicely browned and caramelised so that they actually have more flavour.

Think about the difference between eating a plain boiled potato and crispy roasted potato wedges – the end definitely sounds more appealing to me, and the same goes for pretty much any vegetable.

Pairing vegetables with flavours you already enjoy can also make them more enticing. l PEXELS/COTTONBRO STUDIO

Add some flavour

Pairing vegetables with flavours you already enjoy can also make them more enticing. Like spices? Toss your veggies with some garlic, paprika or cayenne. Prefer something tangy? Add a squeeze of lemon or a splash of vinegar.

Is sweetness more your thing? A dash of honey or maple syrup can do wonders to counteract the bitterness of some vegetables.

Put veggies in your shake

Take carrots, kale, and beets, and blend. Now add a banana and an apple with some ice. Enjoy this veggie smoothie with the family and divide it up so you can all better your health.

This shake is great for detoxifying the body and helping you to sneak in your veggies for the day.

Make a basic soup. l PEXELS/DAINIK TALES

Make a basic soup

If you cannot imagine eating one more raw carrot stick in your life, heat up some onions and garlic in a little bit of olive oil, add two to three diced carrots, and cook until softened.

Add a bit of vegetable broth, a little salt and pepper, add to your blender, and whirl it up into a nice hot soup to go along with your sandwich.