Locally produced job-hunting app a saviour for job-seekers

Mzamo Mbhele, creator of Job X, a job-hunting application. Image: Supplied.

Mzamo Mbhele, creator of Job X, a job-hunting application. Image: Supplied.

Published Jan 7, 2023


DURBAN- A locally produced job-hunting application (Job X) has become a saviour for some job-seekers and they have raved about its efficiency, improved chances to find employment and reduced their job-hunting costs.

Olwami Vilakazi from Umlazi who got a job through Job X. Image: Supplied.

Olwami Vilakazi, 21, from Umlazi, south of Durban, said after completing his matric, unemployment in 2022 brought him various difficulties.

“During that period, it made me go into substance abuse just so that I could get through each day. Not being able to pay for basic needs such as food, electricity, rent and clothing as a young man, deteriorated my mental health and led me into depression,” he said.

But his life took a turn for the better after he downloaded the app last year.

“Job X was super convenient. I did not have to waste money at an internet café anymore. It has the simplest ways to compose a curriculum vitae - all I needed to do was to type my information like I am setting up a social media account. It scanned my documents using my phone and created a single PDF. I did not have to pay for a printer and it gave me access to a lot of job posts,” he said.

He has since landed a job as a cashier at Shoprite last year, and would be starting a new job as a receptionist at a local primary school once schools reopened.

Thobeka Dlamini, one of the people who who got a job through the Job X application. Image: Supplied

Thobeka Dlamini, 30, also from Umlazi, found work as a cashier and floor assistant three months ago, after using Job X, thanks to a friend, whose brother is the creator of the app.

“I have been unemployed since February 2022. It was difficult before that, in spite of constantly submitting my CV without any feedback. I spent much time and money on printouts and data.

“Being able to submit job applications online made it convenient, it cut down travelling costs and all my documents were available in a single file and cut costs on data and travelling.” Dlamini, a mother of two, said Job X pointed applicants to jobs suitable to them, based on their qualifications, and helped to build professional CVs.

The app was created in 2021 and eventually launched in November 2022.

Mzamo Mbhele from Umlazi, a 22-year-old third-year Information Technology Software Development student at Mangosuthu University of Technology, was the creator.

Mbhele always had a knack for technology since he was young.

“I have always been fascinated with technology to the point that I became a mobile phone repair guy at the age of 11. I decided to create the Job X app because of how costly it was to job hunt due to things like the internet café fees and costs to deliver CVs,” he said.

The data-free application currently sits at 45 000 downloads and is available on Google Play and app gallery.


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