Concerns raised as country marks Nurses’ Day

The PSA is calling on government on Nurses’ Day to address challenges facing the profession. Photographer : Phando Jikelo/Independent Media

The PSA is calling on government on Nurses’ Day to address challenges facing the profession. Photographer : Phando Jikelo/Independent Media

Published May 11, 2024


Reuben Maleka

As South Africa marks International Nurses’ Day, observed around the world each year on May 12, the country’s nurses continue to face daunting obstacles, including inadequate staffing levels, unsafe working conditions and insufficient resources.

These challenges not only impact on the well-being of the nurses themselves, but also compromise the quality of healthcare delivered to patients.

South Africa is experiencing a notable shortage of nursing professionals, putting strain on the healthcare system, which is heavily reliant on an ageing nursing workforce and relatively few new recruits to the profession. This looming crisis needs to be addressed urgently.

In addition, the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme represents a crucial time to address systemic inequalities in the healthcare system, and to improve access to quality care for all South Africans. The successful implementation of the NHI relies heavily on the support and empowerment of nurses.

The Public Service Association of SA urges government to prioritise the well-being of nurses by allocating adequate funding to improve staffing levels, infrastructure and resources in healthcare facilities.

Measures must be implemented to address safety concerns at hospitals and clinics. Encouraging high-school pupils and males to pursue a career in nursing will help reduce shortages and age gaps in the field. Opportunities for training, mentorship and career advancement should be made available for nurses to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Further, nurses should be actively involved in the development and implementation of healthcare policies, including the NHI, to ensure their perspectives and expertise are considered.

On Nurses' Day, the PSA honours the invaluable contributions of nurses, and reaffirms the union’s commitment to advocating for their rights and well-being in order to help build a quality and accessible healthcare system for all South Africans.

Reuben Maleka is the union’s general manager for PSA members