transport ministry’s credit card expenses excessive

Published Sep 20, 2011


From Page 1

The Tender Bulletin records that Global Interface Consulting was hired at a ceiling price of R13.573m, including VAT, to manage the conference and related communications services.

The Star reported last month that Global’s costs for the transport conference were more than twice that of one of the losing bidders.

At the time, the department said more than 20 companies submitted a bid for the conference.

Responses to questions in Parliament from the DA about credit card spending since April last year in other departments found little such spending.

Minister in the Presidency Collins Chabane was issued a card but had not collected it, so no spending had taken place and no other cards were issued in that department.

The departments of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, and Health did not issue any credit cards.

Social Development Minister Edna Molewa had a card with a R30 000 limit for official entertainment expenditure and spent no more than R2 000 a month.

Her current deputy did not have a card.

Correctional Services issued cards with R100 000 a year limits to the minister, deputy minister and national commissioner for “efficiency in official meetings outside the office with both internal and external stakeholders, transport, accommodation and subsistence”.

The minister spent less than R40 000 in 2010/11, the deputy minister less than R7 000 and the commissioner just over R25 000.

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