Isipingo great-grandfather celebrates 100 years of life

Subrayan Lutchman Perumal Naicker, fondly known as “uncle Frank”, celebrated his milestone birthday on March 12

Subrayan Lutchman Perumal Naicker, fondly known as “uncle Frank”, celebrated his milestone birthday on March 12

Published Mar 21, 2024


Daily exercise, eating healthy and spending time with loved ones, has been the secret to the long life of an Isipingo great-grandfather, who recently turned 100-years-old.

Subrayan Lutchman Perumal Naicker, fondly known as “uncle Frank”, celebrated his milestone birthday on March 12.

Naicker, who lives in Isipingo, was born in 1924, to Manickum Subrayan Naicker from Mauritius and Mariammah from Pietermaritzburg.

He lived with his parents and 12 siblings in Compensation before moving to Fairbreeze, in Tongaat, where some of his best memories were made.

“We were a big family and my father worked hard to support us and ensure we never went to bed hungry. I can still remember all the delicious meals my mother prepared. This included sour porridge and pickles, vegetables such as pumpkin and madumbi as well the different herbs we gathered from our garden. My siblings and I ploughed the fields with our mother.

“We also went through many hardships, which still brings tears to my eyes. We built our own house using huge rocks and boulders. We slept on the floor and our mother made us gudrees (duvets) from sacks and her old sarees. We didn't have much clothes or shoes and had to share. But, we were happy, as we had each other.

“I loved my brothers and sisters, and we took care of each other. When we got married, we kept our strong bond by visiting each other regularly,” he said.

Naicker said after leaving school in Standard 4 (Grade 6), he began working on a farm.

“I worked for a pittance. It was hard work for a young boy, so my father took me to the city( Durban) to look for work. We walked the streets until some kind person referred us to a hotel. I cried, but stayed in the city to work as there was no money at home. I worked as a page boy, and over the years moved on to becoming a waiter, porter, receptionist, typist and chauffeur.

“While working at the hotel, I had the opportunity to meet boxer Willie Towell, and take a photograph with him. My salary grew from four pounds to 17 pounds and then 10 shillings. I then went on to work as a driver for various companies and people, until I had to stay home and care for my now late wife, who was diagnosed with cancer,” Naicker recalled.

He married Rathamani Pillay in May 1950. They had four children, Siva, Selvie Reddy, Gonie(now late), and Nimmie Naicker. He said the family rented in various areas, before settling in Merebank in the 1960s.

“We had a beautiful wedding and marriage. My wife was the kindest and most caring woman, who took care of our family.”

Naicker said he had some great memories of his life over the years, including travelling to Mauritius.

“I got to find out about my roots when I visited my father’s birth place in Port Louis. I also visited my son who lives in Canada, and was able to experience the heavy snow, and cold weather. It was a once in a lifetime experience.

“As an ardent devotee of Sathya Sai Baba, I visited Prashanti Nilayam in India to get the Lord’s darshan. I also went to Niagara Falls, where I got to watch halibut fishing.”

Naicker said he believed the key to his longevity was his healthy lifestyle.

“My daily exercise is key. I like to eat healthy, especially fruits. Some of my favourites are mangoes, litchis, oranges, and grapes. However, I do enjoy some of the traditional Indian meals, such as freshly fried fish with chips, crab curry, and offals such as trotters, sheephead, and tripe.

“However, with age, I do have some ailments, such as difficulty hearing, short-term memory loss and my blood pressure fluctuates.”

The grandfather of nine and great grandfather of 11, said he now spends his days reading – especially Tamil literature - watching movies, sleeping in, and spending time with his family and friends.

Naicker celebrated his birthday with his family and members of the Merebank Book Project.

“I feel so blessed and grateful to have celebrated such a milestone, a magnificent 100 years of life. It is through my swami, Sathya Sai Baba, my parents, and all of those that love and care for me over the years, that I have been able to live such a wonderful long life,” he said.


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