Karen sticks hand in jellyfish tank, gets stung and now wants to sue

According to a National Geographic report, ‘Most stings occur when people accidentally touch a jellyfish’. Picture: Pexels

According to a National Geographic report, ‘Most stings occur when people accidentally touch a jellyfish’. Picture: Pexels

Published May 11, 2023


It’s a widely accepted norm to refrain from interfering with marine life at aquariums.

But there's always that one individual who believes they are above the rules and must meddle with the sea creatures.

A Reddit user explains that during a family holiday to an aquarium dedicated to jellyfish, her aunt – who she refers to as “Karen” – dared to reach her hand into one of the tanks and was, inevitably, stung.

But like all Karens she didn’t want to take responsibility for her actions, instead she made a threat to sue. What’s new?

‘’A few of the jellyfish tanks for some reason didn’t have a protective lid on the top and it was possible to stick your hand in there,’’ she wrote. ‘’That’s a dumb idea for obvious reasons and it had a label in Ukrainian and English telling you not to touch it.’’

So, Aunt Karen thought she was a jellyfish whisperer and reached out to touch the jellyfish. As she states, “I've touched jellyfish before”. Okay lady. She also claimed she knew for a fact that these jellyfish were safe because she saw them on the beach. One would expect a minor to act this way, but she’s a full-grown adult, not a curious kid.

According to a National Geographic report, “Most stings occur when people accidentally touch a jellyfish, but if the sting is from a dangerous species, it can be deadly.’’ Sis was feeling touchy-feely and it could’ve been deadly.

When the aunt reached her hand into the jellyfish tank despite the warning, she quickly regretted it and began screaming and drawing attention to herself.

Some couldn’t help but laugh at her. Just because something looks pretty and appealing does not mean that we should touch it.

She further wrote, “An employee came over and he barely spoke English but he said she was stupid for touching the jellyfish. She asked for a manager and how she’s going to sue.’

“Later, we took the aunt to a clinic where she was treated and deemed fine. Despite the majority of the family agreeing that the incident was her fault and discouraging her from suing, my mom remained on her side.”

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