No amount of corporal punishment will resolve defiant behaviour in children, if the underlying issues are not identified and addressed appropriately.
The recent concourt ruling, outlawing corporal punishment in the home has raised the ire of many people and has became a highly controversial topic for discussion ...
The pain of sexual abuse lingers long after the initial trauma. Like a silent cancer, the memory of pain, eats away, at the victims brain. No pill can stop the nudging ...
There must be thousands of children who suffer from headaches, depression and anxiety as a result of the unbridled violence on the Cape Flats.
Not a day passes when we do not hear on the news, read in our papers or on social media of about brutal killings in the Cape flats with headlines declaring that ...
What I enjoy about solus family practice most is that l have the freedom to devote as much time as is required with patients and do what is required and not judt ...
A young man in his thirties came to see me, desperately wanting to save his marriage. It turned out that his wife had given him an ultimatum that if he didn't stop ...
The story I am about to share with you is based on an experience that awoke a number of alarm bells about the concealed side effects of commonly prescribed drugs ...
Grief is an emotion that everyone has experienced at some time or the other in their lives. It is not a topic that one speaks or talks about easily, because grieving ...
I thought our president executed himself brilliantly at the SONA, far better than any of his predecessors. He came across as someone, who knew exactly what he was ...