In answering this question, you should aim to be earnest yet calculated by providing answers that can reassure the interviewer that you will be an asset to the company. Picture:
There are few questions that are more dreaded in job interviews than ‘’What are your weaknesses?’’
In interviews this question can be the reason why you do or do not land a job.
In answering, you should aim to be earnest yet calculated by providing answers that can reassure the interviewer that you will be an asset to the company.
But how do you go about doing this because it requires a delicate balance between honesty and self-interest?
According to employment website, Indeed, the trick to answering this popular question in a job interview is to prepare by finding shortcomings that nonetheless express strengths.
Here are some of the job portal’s suggestions on how to go about doing this:
Whatever the situation may be for you, mentioning anything you'd like to improve on tells interviewers that you're aware of yourself and like a good challenge.
Being detail-oriented is usually a desirable thing, but if you spend too much time on the minutiae of a project, it might be regarded a weakness. In your interview response, explain how you're improving in this area by looking at the larger picture.
Assisting co-workers on tasks while still controlling your workload is a delicate balance.
Someone who accepts all demands may appear committed and eager to your employer, but they may also be someone who does not recognise their boundaries and need assistance or deadline extensions to do their task.
Requesting help is a critical skill when you lack experience in a certain field as well as when you are exhausted or unable to handle a burden.
Knowing when and how to seek help demonstrates good self-awareness and assists the organisation by anticipating potential inefficiencies.
A prevalent issue, particularly among entry-level contributors, is a lack of confidence. However, it can occasionally lead to inefficiencies in one's job.
For example, you may feel unqualified to speak up during an important meeting even if your suggestion may assist the team reach a goal.
Being open about this can let the interviewer know that you are honest, trustworthy and want to improve.
Though exhibiting outward concern or displeasure about missing a deadline may be viewed as a weakness, companies respect employees who value deadlines and seek to keep projects on track.
If this is your job interview weakness, structure your response to emphasise how much you enjoy it when work is finished on time and how you're developing on your own, as well as how you're working to improve systems to get work done more effectively.
IOL Business