Paola Flórez, from Colombia, revealed her unusual tale on the popular TV show ‘Sin Carreta,’ aired on the state-owned channel Canal 1. Picture: Erik Mclean/Pexels
A Colombian woman recently shared her extraordinary story of having relations with a ghost for over two decades but said she dumped him for an equally humorous reason.
She said she ended the affair when she saw that the ghost had fangs and the face of a gargoyle.
Paola Flórez, from Colombia, revealed her unusual tale on the popular TV show ‘Sin Carreta,’ aired on the state-owned channel Canal 1.
According to Flórez, her encounters with the ghostly figure began in her youth, as it would visit her nightly while she slept.
Remarkably, Flórez claimed it was always the ghost who initiated their intimate encounters.
Over time, she confessed to falling in love with the ghost, leading to a passionate, two-decade-long relationship.
Flórez candidly described the start of her unusual connection, recalling: “One day, I was lying down when I felt a hand move from my feet to my chest.
“It was strange, I was scared. From that moment on, he started coming to me like a spirit to have sex with me.”
For two decades, Flórez considered herself in love with this mysterious entity, until a shocking revelation led her to end the affair.
When she finally caught a glimpse of the ghost’s face, she was horrified to see fangs and the visage of a gargoyle.
“He was a very big man. But the day I caught a glimpse of him, he had fangs and the face of a gargoyle,” she revealed.
This disturbing encounter prompted Flórez to abruptly end her relationship with the ghost, citing her fear of its unsettling appearance. She explained, “The last time I saw his face was when I didn’t want to continue.”
Psychologist Maritza Montealegre weighed in on Flórez’s unique situation, acknowledging that such cases are exceptionally rare and suggesting it might be a case of a demonic entity.
In contrast, parapsychologist Jairo Urbex believed her account to be credible, suggesting she might have been involved with an “incubus.”
Urbex explained: “An incubus is a demonic entity, it is a lower-astral entity and we describe all those that look like maggots as ‘low-vibrational.’ They specialise in grabbing people and taking their energy.”
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