On the left, Naahid Nakidien the poet with her daughter Maalika Karjieker, and grand daughters Haaniya and Sofiya at the book launch.
Naahid Nakidien's collection of poems, Gifts from a whispering soul, was launched last Saturday at the Bo-Kaap cultural hub, accompanied by the first-time author's enthusiastic family and friends.
Ms Nakidien attended Vista High in Bo-Kaap but lives in Surrey Estate. Her dreams to become a doctor were limited and she became a private nurse, medical underwriter and life coach.
She discussed her first collection of poems from 2004, which she shared with her late sister Zulfah Otto-Sallies, to whom the book is dedicated.
“So this (collection of poems) has been my journey for 20 years. Last year my friends and family said that’s enough now, you need to publish this, you always talking about it. My sister and a brother-in-law has passed on and this was a big motivating factor to publish this book as we all discussed and loved poetry, it bonded us. So last year I mustered the courage to publish the book,“ said Ms Nakidien.
“I sent poems to my sister (in 2004) and told her it’s from an unknown poet, but after the fourth or fifth poem she suspected it was me and said, you are a poet and you just don’t know it,” she said.
Ms Nakidien, 65, is a wife, a mother of two and grandmother of six, and says she hopes to inspire others, younger or older than her, to pursue their dreams of becoming authors.
“As a nurse, after night duty, you can’t sleep. I sleep for four hours only so I have a lot of time to write, to think, about how can I change the minds of people, of society. I think about how I can serve people so it’s not just a moment of inspiration. I’m always opening my mind to the possibilities of what we can do,” she said.
“I’m so proud of my mom and this achievement. She’s shown that there are no boundaries, that your goals should be big and bold and it’s up to you to make it a reality. I’m glad that my girls were there to witness this so when they reflect on this moment in years to come they’ll appreciate the magnitude of this achievement,” said Maalika Karjieker.
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