Sunnyside Park in Edgemead received a R2.8 Million upgrade and is now open to the public PICTURE:TARA ISAACS
A brand-new play area was unveiled at the Sunnyside Park in Edgemead last week.
This is because the Edge Church and its congregation raised R2.8 Million in tithes and offering over the past couple of years.
They then decided to work with the City’s Recreation and Parks department to transform the space from a once dry and coarse-textured lawn to now having AstroTurf and state of the art play apparatus installed there.
The Recreation and Parks department signed a donation agreement with the church and supplied 30 trees, including various species, to be placed at the park.
The department also installed a water meter and refurbished the existing play equipment, improved the pedestrian signals, and upgraded the parking area.
However, a wooden playpark with extra equipment, wooden horses, paving and other plants around the area were planted and installed by people in the community, and some church-goers.
Speaking to Tabletalk, executive chief Pastor Rozanne Hammer said quite a few professionals donated their time and services toward the upgrades of the park; including engineers and land surveyors.
“There were also a lot of personal contributions, in terms of people's time contribution, and we are grateful for each and every one of the people who made this happen,” she said.
At the event, newly appointed mayco member for Community Services and Health, Francine Higham, addressed the crowd and said while Sunnyside Park has always been a popular hangout spot for the whole community, she believes that the “transformation” will bring more people to the area.
“The City is also proud to have supported this upgrade by providing key environmental and infrastructure enhancements. We would like to invite the residents to not only fully exploit the facility and all it offers, but to also help us care for the community asset,” she said
The area's ward councillor Miquette Temlett said she was happy to be part of the project and witness the upgrades at the park.
Lead Pastor of Edge Church, Daniel Erasmus, said the opening of the park is a testimony to a vision, now becoming a reality.
He thanked the City’s Recreation and Parks department and said the project wouldn’t be as successful without their participation.
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