
New City leadership needed

Letter to the Editor|Published

The City of Cape Town will turn a blind eye as long as it suits their “agenda". The complete and utter deterioration of Brooklyn is a prime example ("City soft on dodgy buildings," Tabletalk, November 27).

Now with Fallen Angels (“Melkbos animal shelter faces closure,” Tabletalk, November 27), they obviously derive no financial benefit from this desperately needed facility so instead of finding a workable solution, they take the coward’s way out with some pathetic by-law.

The biggest joke is that 90% of so-called by-laws are never enforced. Once again Brooklyn is a prime example with 10 to 15 people sitting on street corners drinking.

Every second house is a shebeen run by foreigners. As I have maintained for years, the gangs, foreigners, the homeless in Vasco Park have more rights than law-abiding, not to mention, rate-paying citizens. Again they are cowards going for the "soft targets".

This is why, for the first time in my voting history, the DA did not get my vote. I did my homework and voted for a party I am sure could do a far better job.

More and more skeletons and cracks are showing up with officials on the take and plans being approved despite ratepayers’ objections.

It's time for Capetonians to take a hard look at the City of Cape Town. Stop being lazy, do your research as there are indeed other parties capable of running Cape Town. More efficiently, I might add. That would take the time to listen to their voters and ratepayers. You know what they say about "new brooms". There will be by-elections, so do the right thing. The value of your property depends on it.

My late father always said that if you want to tell a person’s character, just watch how he treats animals. I'm afraid the DA's approach to Fallen Angels speaks volumes. Every animal lover out there, it is your duty not to vote for them ever again. They have shown their true colours.