Mother’s viral plea exposes bullying crisis at Pretoria’s Sutherland High School

Masabata Mkwananzi|Published

Thembi Motana, mother of a Grade 10 learner at Sutherland High School in Pretoria, who spoke out against alleged bullying at the institution. Picture: Supplied

A mother's emotional video exposing alleged bullying at Sutherland High School in Pretoria has sparked nationwide attention and revealed similar incidents at the institution. The case has drawn support from celebrities and prompted intervention from Gauteng Education officials.

In a viral video, Thembi Motana, the mother of a Grade 10 learner, said her daughter called her in tears, pleading for her to come to the school. She alleged that a boy had been bullying her daughter, swearing at her, and making cruel remarks — something that had been ongoing for some time. She could not take it any longer.

Speaking to The Star, Motana said she went to the school on Tuesday seeking to address the matter. However, the school explained that, as per due process, a preliminary investigation had to be conducted to verify the allegations before any disciplinary action can be taken.

She expressed frustration over how the school handled the matter, stating that the school said the outcome would depend on how the alleged bully presented his case.

“I asked the teacher handling the case about the process and possible consequences, and they said it depends on the perpetrator’s cooperation. So, basically, she was telling me that if this child denies the incident, then nothing will happen?" she said.

Motana further stated that the bullying had been ongoing for years, leaving her daughter unable to eat lunch at school, afraid to use the bathroom alone, and isolated in the classroom.

“There was one incident in class where learners had to share a textbooks, and K... had the textbook, but no one wanted to share the textbook with her… eight to nine kids were sharing one textbook, and my child was isolated and being bullied by this boy …calling her F-names,” she said.

Motana also revealed that after posting videos on TikTok about the bullying incident, the alleged perpetrator’s mother called her at 10:30 PM, confronting her and threatening legal action.

"Upon answering my phone, a woman aggressively shouted, ‘Thembi, J... is my son!’ I responded, ‘K... is my daughter.’ The bully’s mother then said, ‘I will drag you through the mud. I will sue you for defamation of character. Do you know who I am? I will not back down. Your daughter is the real bully—she hit my son on the head with a book and burst a nerve,’" she added.

She has since opened two cases—one against the alleged perpetrator and another against the perpetrator's mother. She is currently awaiting a case number.

Motana expressed her gratitude for the support she had received and for being able to create a movement while her daughter is still alive, as many bullying incidents end tragically.

She urged all schools to review their bullying policies and take urgent action to protect victims at all costs, emphasizing that severe punishments should be enforced for perpetrators.

This sparked significant support from online users, with celebrities like Anele Mdoda and Somizi Mhlongo joining the conversation and offering their help to Motana and her daughter.

Mdoda tweeted that she has: “spoke to the mother and the headmaster. I’m on it. That’s my school.”

The viral video has revealed numerous similar cases, with many parents coming forward to share their own experiences, revealing that their children were also bullied at the same school, yet nothing was done to resolve the issues.

One user said: “I tried to comment on your video. I’m sorry for what your daughter is going through. I have the same problem in Sutherland. My son has been bullied by learners and some teachers. Nothing ever comes from talking to the school. I’m at a loss on what to do...If you think of a way to resolve this, please share because I don’t know what to do anymore.”

In a statement, the Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane expressed his concern about the recent alleged bullying incident at the School.

"A meeting involving the parents of the victim, school management, and district officials was held today (Thursday), following this meeting, we can confirm that the school will initiate a disciplinary hearing, subject to the availability of both parents to participate in the process.”

Chiloane stated that they had deployed counsellors to the school to provide support to both pupils and their parents, helping them manage the emotional and psychological impact of the incident.

The department stated that it would provide curriculum support to the victim and continue to monitor the matter closely.

The Star reached out to Sutherland High School for comment, but the school stated that they could not provide one as they are currently liaising with the Department of Education.

The Star